Subject:ย ๐Ÿ“ Friend, do you have the patience to slow down and go deep when required?

If you're leading with a coaching approach you will understand the importance of asking specific questions to move your staff from a 'stuck' state...

Hey Friend,

Do you find that it's often the smallest shifts that make the biggest difference?

Like, removing the word 'try' from your vocabulary or pausing before pressing send on that email you've just typed out of frustration.

Sometimes it's delving deeper into a statement, a behaviour or a belief someone has to understand where they're coming from.

And, even if, like me, you don't like going into that kind of detail (because it requires you to slow down, be patient and listen), it's important to be able to - so you can see the small opportunities that exist.

It's particularly important for those leaders playing with a coaching style approach, to ask "what specifically...?" when your staff need help moving them through 'stuck' states or feelings of overwhelm.

For example, if your direct report says "I'm so busy, I don't have time" ask them:

๐Ÿ“"What specifically are you busy with right now?"

...and then...

๐Ÿ“"what else?"


๐Ÿ“"what else?".

It's from here that you'll be able to help them better prioritise and work through the specific challenges they may be facing.

Want to learn more about delving into the detail or leading with a coaching approach? Get in touch.

Until then, stay awesome!

Shelley ๐Ÿ˜

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Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning. ~ Maya Angelou

Shelley Flett | Shelley Flett Pty Ltd

Leadership & Team Performance Coach | Speaker | Trainer | Facilitator | Mentor


P: 0407 522 888



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