Subject: Friend, Bye - Bye 2020 and good riddance...

Hi Friend,

Are you tired of all the uncertainty 2020 brought?

The great news is that the new year is almost here and I have good news for you.

You have all heard the saying...

"You become the average of the top five people you hang around with the most." 

That’s why I assembled this group of 5.

Each one of these people have had a monumental impact not only in my business but I’m my beliefs.

They kept encouraging me when I thought the task too hard or to out of reach.

Heck, I have even cried on a few calls.

But that’s why I love them.

When I did not believe in myself I kept showing up and the funniest thing started to happen.

I started fostering the same winning beliefs. 

The same principles.

I started reading the same books. 

Doing the same things.

And soon afterwards, started taking the same actions.

Building bigger, stronger, faster.

I started attracting the right people in my business and it started to take off. 

It was all with the help of the 5 people I am going to introduce you to.

Together we will  be pushing you towards achieving your best self and a better 2021.

That’s what’s Goal Quest 2021 was designed to do.

Click the link below to save a spot.

December 5, 2020 @10 AM MST

Seating is limited and I know we will pack the house.  

I trust you will find the time to join us.

One last thing:

Remember that a hide tide raises all ships.

By you taking a few hours Saturday you are going to walk away inspired.

Ready to face the challenges of the new year with a new mindset and a new set of tactics to get you the results you are looking for in business, finances and life.

Get the head start you are looking for to hit the new year running.

Register here now.

I look forward to serving you more inside.


P.S. Register for GOAL QUEST 2021 now! I have assembled 5 of my closest friends to share with you mindset, goal setting and actions steps you can use to set your self up for a prosperous 2021. Save your spot


, 427 Ainslie Crescent SW, T6W0H8, EDMONTON, Canada
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