I remembered to save my work:)
Todays email is so much better then that drab email I wrote yesterday, anyways.
I'll get right to the point.
I'm going to share the worst and best advice I have got over the last few years.
I heard one of my prospects talking about email and it seemed like a bad case of deja vu.
"Email is dead mans game" he started. "No one reads emails anymore and response rate is very little. Why would anyone want to waste their time collecting an email address, anyways?"
This was almost verbatim to the same advice I received when I first started online digital marketing.
I was new to the "online" game.
I didn't know right from left and relied on other peoples opinion.
And this one false statement cost me many hundreds of leads and thousands of dollars a year in sales.
What I didn't realize at the time, is that your email list is like that old rolodex of cards your parents had on that old grey metal desk downstairs.
It's a list of all your contacts and people that you have come in contact with along the way.
Over the years that rolodex becomes a very valuable asset.
Because over time, you begin to and have formed relationships with your contacts so they know, like and trust you.
But if you are not collecting email addresses or creating a list, how will your rolodex ever grow?
That's the key.
This is where all marketing starts.
If you don't have a list, who do you talk to to increase business and generate sales?
Building your list is your link to customer.
It allows you to communicate with them on a regular basis so you can start to form that relationship.
After understanding, list building is critical, one needs to find a way to automate it.
It's like putting your rolodex on steroids.
This is one way you can work smarter, not harder.
Then sit back and watch it grow.
Now I am so blessed.
My personal rolodex keeps growing everyday which is super exciting.
Especially for anyone trying to grow or build a business.
Leads are essential and with out a proper way of finding them, you will find yourself stuck wishing you would have figured this stuff out earlier.
So I guess the main points that I am hitting on today is:
1. Find a way to put your rolodex on steroids so it can do the heavy lifting for you.
2. Watch who you listen to. It could cost you a lot more than just sales.
Let's make life easier.
P.S. If you don't have a list and are looking for the right steroids to inject some life into your rolodex, click
here to learn more.