Subject: How Pepper Is Finding Fresh New Leads

Hi Friend,

I quickly wanted to tell you a secret about how Pepper is connecting me with my ideal client to talk to each and every day about my podcasting business.

Now, this doesn't just help podcasters.

This helps anyone looking to connect with more people in your target audience.

Coaches, Author's, Speakers, Affiliate Marketers. Podcasters.

Everyone loves Pepper.

So how does Pepper connect you to so many new people?

Pepper is an automated program designed to scan Facebook groups and look and find your ideal avatar automatically.

It then sends them a direct friend request with a customizable message starting the conversation with them.

Once Pepper completes the introduction, you can take over the conversation.

It's one of the best direct response marketing tools I have ever used.

I have only used it for a month and already my pipeline is filled with new fresh leads that are interested in my business.

It worked so well, I had to share it with you.

Don't believe me, go check it out for yourself here.

Let me know what you think?

I always like hearing success stories.

Let's chat soon.



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