Subject: 2018 in Review

2018 Lessons Learnt 

Hi Friend,

Yesterday it shook me as I performed a Facebook Live video in a private group I help run, that it would be our last live of 2018.  

At that exact moment, I paused to reflect on what an incredible year 2018 has been.  

And I know 2019 will be even bigger and better.

Here are a few of my favorite moments (and some not so great moments)... 

- I created more content then I have created in the previous years.

- Spending more money on Marketing then I ever have before in my life.

My email list and Facebook Business page grew past 4500 people, before I decided to shrink that list back to a 1000 of my most loyal and hard core fans. (I did that on purpose and I will share that story another time.)

- Our private Facebook groups grew over 300% from the beginning of the year as we keep validating, uplifting and empowering people from around the globe. 

- My Instagram following grew past 300.  (even small victories count!)

Considering I did all of this being a full time stay at home dad, of a 4 & 2 year old, I am incredibly grateful, and super proud of my accomplishment.

I share this with you because if I had not built with GAZ....

...none of this would have been possible.

I now have a great team!

Mentors and coaches who push and teach me marketing lessons and strategies that work.  

I know I could not have done this alone, or as quickly, without the help of the members within the community or my team.

I only wish I would have started sooner. My only wish for you is, Don't Wait!

Start building your dream online business now, so that 2019 can be the most abundant year yet!


THANK YOU to my incredible Live a Full Time Life community.  

I am so thankful for all your questions, comments and commitments that you have made to yourself over the year. 

Everyday I work hard to serve my mission, helping others build their online businesses so they can Live a Full Time Life.

Knowing you watch my videos, read my emails and interact with me on social media, really means the world to me!!

Sending you all lots of love and light this Holiday season.


P.S.  I am going to send you a special 2019 goal setting email next week, so keep an eye out for it. (It's my gift for you to start 2019 off on the right foot.)

, 427 Ainslie Crescent SW, T6W0H8, EDMONTON, Canada
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