Subject:ย ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿค  ๐Ÿ‡I Love The Itchy Rash Of Poison Ivy, Don't You? ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿค  ๐Ÿ‡

Hi Friend,

Spring is around the corner here in South-Central Kentucky!  

I know this because the Daffodils and Crocus are blooming and we have 6 new kids running around the barnyard!  Billy Ray (our breeding buck), got in with one group of does for a  couple hours, when he wasn't supposed too and gave us some early babies. The next group of does should start having babies in the next couple weeks.  Spring time is always good for the soul with all the new life here on Silly Goat's Farm.

Great Time To Stock Up For Spring & Summer.

With Spring time coming, a lot of you will be out in the gardens, flower beds and trimming weeds along your fence-lines.  With that comes getting in contact with Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Poison Sumac. And any if y'all  have gotten into these nasty weeds before, you know how bad the itching swelling, blisters can be and the kind of  grief and discomfort comes with being exposed. 
Stop The Itch and Dis-comfort Before it gets Started.

There is prevention and relief available.

We make Jewelweed Goat Milk Soap and Jewelweed Salve. This Jewelweed Salve Relieves The Itch & Stops The Spread Of Poison Ivy!

Jewelweed, or Impatiens capensis, has long been used as a remedy for skin disorders by indigenous North Americans. Jewelweed contains chemicals that neutralize the components responsible for the skin-irritating effects of poison oak, poison ivy and other irritants including stinging nettle, insect bites and ringworm.

Don't believe me, believe all of our customers that have testified to it's healing power.  Etsy Reviews or Reviews.
While you're at the website, pick up the whole salve kit.

Save a few buck$ and get the Salve First-Aid Kit. while you are there.  It contains all 3 of our healing and prevention salvesn all handmade right here on the farm.  You will get the: 
  • Healing Salve - This all natural salve is great for minor cuts, scrapes, dry chapped, or cracked skin.

    This healing & drawing salve is made with Extra-Virgin olive Oil, Organic Comfrey Leaf and Plantain Leaves with Lavender, & Tea Tree Essential Oils & Vitamin E Oil. 
  • Jewelweed Ani-Itch Salve - We handpick the Jewelweed from the creek beds in our secret hollers here in South-Central, KY. We then hang the plants to dry. After that we put the dried herbs in with the Olive Oil and steep it (like you do tea or coffee). this gets all of the healing properties out of the plants and into the oil.

    We then add in Lavender and Peppermint Essential oils for their anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, Put in some Vitamin E, and then Natural Beeโ€™s Wax to to make a premium salve that heals and stops the spread of poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac.
  • Burn Relief SalveSt Johnโ€™s Wort Salve โ€“ A soothing, natural salve, containing the healing and cooling herbs of St Johnโ€™s Wort, Black Walnut and Plantain Leaf along with Lavender and Peppermint Essential Oils, with Vitamin E to help burned, dry and damaged skin.
Have a great spring, take the time to stop and smell the flowers.  Take your shoes off and feel the grass on your toes! Life is a wonderful gift and with all the craziness in the world it is good to slow down, thank our Creator for such a magnificent world we live in.
Made with love from our family to yours!
Drop Us a Line

Silly Goats Soap Company

635 Sparksville Rd.

Columbia, KY 42728

(315) 243-9343

Silly Goats Soap Company LLC, 635 Sparksville Rd., 42728, Columbia, US
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