Subject: New Sessions in Group Lesson Training!


This is for everyone who has registered for Successful Group Lessons recently or in the past.

Two of our group lesson veterans graciously volunteered to submit some videos of their studio.

In these videos, Observation 6 and Observation 7, you will get to see them teaching groups in the online format.

These videos have been in the training for about a week now, but I wanted to send out a special email to HIGHLIGHT this addition.

Click here to go directly to the page in the training

Also, I would love to spark a great discussion around this video!

Once you've watched one or both of these videos... Leave a comment in the Successful Group Lessons Facebook group!

Let the community know:

  1. Your biggest takeaway

  2. An "ah ha" moment

  3. A change you will make based on what you've seen here

  4. Practical wisdom that you've gained in teaching groups online

Click here to go to the post in the Facebook group

Once again, our desire is to continue to provide fantastic resources to everyone in the training as time goes by!

Have a great day!

Very best,
