Subject: 100+ pages passed in group

Between May 16th and June 16th, my son passed over 100 pages of music in his method books.

Over 90% of that music was passed at home… away from his group lesson and his teacher (yes, I have my son enrolled in my business partner’s studio).

I helped only a minimal amount at home.

He didn’t need me.

How was he able to do this?

It’s a secret weapon designed for group teachers that allows children to pass music at home with perfect (or near perfect) accuracy.

And it saves teachers a ton of time in their multi-level groups.

If you’d like more information, simply click the button below and I’ll send you more information tomorrow.

However, before you click… make sure this applies to you:

Quickly read through this list and see if one or more of these apply to you:

  • You teach piano

  • You are currently teaching piano in groups in person or online

  • You would like to expand your group size without having to hire an assistant

  • You can’t expand your group size (because of space) but you would like to further improve your student’s playing

  • You still feel overwhelmed teaching group lessons… or you are still struggling to get results with students

  • You are frustrated by lack of home practice

  • You are frustrated by lack of parental support at home

  • You would like to raise the standard of musicianship in your studio

  • You’d like to decrease the amount of time it takes students to learn their songs (no matter what level they are at)

  • You would like to move beyond enforcing accuracy in note and rhythm reading and spend more time teaching concepts of phrasing, expression, musicianship

  • You’d like more time in your lessons for games, theory, and technique

  • You want to further differentiate your studio as the “go-to” studio in your area

If this applies to you and you’d like more information, simply click the button below and I’ll send you something soon.

Yes! I'm intrigued!

Looking forward to sharing this with you!

Very best,

