Subject: Will convenience kill music teachers?

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I keep my thumb on the pulse of the private music education industry.

Over the past 6 months, I’ve seen more ads for “online music lessons” than I’ve ever seen before.

I save these ads; I like to learn from them.

Here’s one for piano:

Here’s one for guitar:

Here’s one that I’ve seen over and over again for piano:

And one that I saw not too long ago… a brand new player in the space:

You can laugh at these.

You can scoff at these.

You can chuckle about how dumb people are for thinking that these are “serious options” for students.

All of that is fine. You can do all of that.

But, you can’t ignore these.
Prepare for the Storm
I’ve seen some of these ads running for months.

Businesses do not run ads that don’t work.

There’s a storm coming, and it’s only growing in strength.

Brilliant marketers are coming for our industry, and they’re armed with technology and convenience. They’re armed with agencies and deep pockets for spending on SEO, ads, press releases, and media buys.

How can you compete with those deep pockets?

This is one of the reasons why I created Successful Group Lessons and converted to group lessons in my own personal studio.

Not only does it give beginners more time with me in a supportive environment…

Not only does it differentiate my studio from other studios in the area…

Not only does it help me prepare kids for rigorous exams and recitals…

It gives my studio higher margins… which I can use to compete with these big dogs.

Yes! Even a single teacher studio can compete (I have been for 10 years).

Because, at the end of the day… while some people DO value convenience…

There will still be consumers who want that personal experience.

But, they won’t be able to find me, if these other businesses are outbidding me for ad space, for space on the Google results page, and for space in the minds of the people I seek to serve!

On February 24th, I open the doors to the first 2020 class of Successful Group Lessons.

Over 215 studios have worked with me in the past few years… learning how to set up, run, and dominate their local area and online with the SGL format.

More details are coming on the 24th: costs, training options, and dates.

Would love to work with you.

Very best,

PS> Do you have questions about group lessons or the Successful Group Lessons format… simply send me an email, I’m happy to answer it for you!

PPS> An email earlier this week said that registration begins on the 17th… it’s actually the 24th! Whoops!

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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