Subject: Why do your students pay you?

Today’s group lessons email is educational.

I’m going to give you (for free) one of my group marketing concepts.

So, here’s the million dollar question:

OK, maybe the stakes aren’t quite this high

What are your students paying you for?

Here are your choices:

A. For your time

B. For their child to be able to play music

C. For your credentials

D. Because they believe it will make their child’s life better (now or in the future)

Have you thought of your answer?

Double check… just to make sure.

Is that your final answer?

And, now...

I’ll tell you the answer.

It’s (B) For their child to be able to play music

They are paying you to teach their child music… for the child to become proficient, for the child to enjoy it, so that the child can sit down at the piano and play a song for grandma and grandpa at Christmas time!

Now, if that's true...

Why do parents hassle teachers when they want to switch to group?

Or, to ask it a different way… if parents are paying for an outcome… why do they act as if they are paying you for your time?

In some cases, a short-sighted parent might actually say they are paying you for your time.

But, the majority of parents don’t care about that!

In the end, a parent won’t thank you for the hours you put in teaching their student… they won’t thank you for the thousands of hours of practice that YOU have put in … but they will praise you for a great exam score, a terrific recital or talent show performance, or a successful college entrance exam.

And, so, this is the encouragement I want to give you...

Parents ultimately won’t care what format you choose to get them that result.

Including the group format.

This belief is at the core of a training in Successful Group Lessons called “The 4 Marketing Messages."

For several years, I have taught many studios these 4 Marketing Messages… and they have experienced the same success that I have.

Yes! I’d love to learn how to get parents on board my group program!

Happy parents.

Happy students.

Happy teacher.

Don’t miss out, you only have a few days left to register for Successful Group Lessons training and the live Q&A sessions that you receive as part of enrollment.

Open enrollment closes on January 1st at 11pm.

Very best,


PS> Questions? Email me back. I’ll send you an answer!