Subject: [VIDEO] Watch me teach a group

Email 2 of 3: How to Convert a Studio to Group Lessons

On Monday, I sent a video about the 5 reasons to convert to group.

I also mentioned that for many teachers... it was fear of the unknown that kept them from using this powerful format in their studio.

So, in today's email, I want to further dispel myths and fears.

And one of the best ways to do that is to show you what one of my own groups looks like!

The 4 Steps to Setting Up a Group Lesson Program

Just below, there is a video that shows you my blueprint for setting up a group lesson program... the logistics, the classroom, the equipment, all of it.

I've even included a video from my studio that shows how my group program works!

Here are the four steps:

Step 1: Set Up Your Space

Step 2: Get Your Equipment (for Online or In-Person)

Step 3: Schedule Your Groups

Step 4: Understand the Logistics of Running Your Groups

This is the most effective way to set up and run a simple group studio. I go into greater detail in the video:

This video is not quite as long as The 5 Reasons video I sent on Monday.


Leave a comment on the video or send me an email telling me what you learned from the video.



PS> There's one more lesson... I will send this to you on Friday... be on the lookout!