Subject: [VIDEO] My holiday gift to you

There are 7 billion people on this planet.

And from the richest of us to the poorest… there is a gift that not one of us can give to each other:


We cannot give ourselves more time in this life.

We can’t speed it up or slow it down.

We cannot get time back that we’ve lost or squandered or taken for granted in the past.

We all live within these confines of these rules.

So, if I can't create time...

At the very least I want to find a way to SAVE it.

With that in mind...

I’d like to give you the greatest holiday gift of all.

My Holiday Gift to You

If I can’t give you time… at the very least, I can help you not waste it!

See, it took me a couple of years to work up the courage to start a group lesson program.

And, it took me a couple of years to perfect the Successful Group Lessons format.

And, it took me a couple of years to get the courage to completely switch over the format.

That’s five years of my life that I lived in fear and anxiety.

What I would do to get that time back!

But, that doesn’t have to be your story.


I’d love to show you the roadmap to starting your group studio.

Grow Your Music Studio has helped over 250 studios start a group program...

And some of those studios have implemented their program within 30 days of working with us.

How jealous I am of those studios!

And so, my gift to you:

In this email, I’m going to share our group lesson roadmap...

I want to show you how I went from teaching 39 hours per week… to around 20. And how I increased my enrollment from 55 to 95 during that same time period!

I can’t imagine going back to teaching one-on-one lessons now...

The group is just too good for kids...

The results are too outstanding...

The enthusiasm that kids have for the program are too great!

Click the link below and watch this special video --- it is worth every minute of your time.

Once you watch the video, leave a comment or email me back and answer the question I ask at the end of the video!



PS> Registration for the program begins on Saturday, December 26th!

Full details, price, times, etc... they are all being revealed the day after Christmas.

The program begins the day you register.

You can go at your own pace!

All trainees will have the opportunity to work with me throughout January as I am going to host a number of live Q&A sessions. These will occur in January and February. They will all be recorded as well... just in case you miss one!