Subject: 'Twas the day after Christmas

Don't forget... big news tomorrow!

Tomorrow... We're enrolling for my training program: Successful Group Lessons.

If you own a single-teacher studio and want to begin a flexible multi-level group program... then this opportunity is for you!

If you want to create a studio program that attracts families to your studio and gives you the control you want over your finances and future... teaching group is a powerful way to do that.

If you don't want those things - if you prefer doing the same day in / day out "glorified practice sessions" with one student at a time... or having to turn students away because you have no room left in your schedule - then perhaps this isn't for you.

Successful Group Lessons is designed to walk you through my simple blueprint that I've done with 400+ studios over the past five years.

This program is especially designed for small studios, in-home studios, online studios, and single-teacher studios.

What’s In The Program?

Do you want to teach group? Do you already have a group program but want to upgrade your program?

Here is just a taste of what you will find in the Successful Group Lessons training program:

- How to take any curriculum (Faber, Alfred, Piano Pronto, Piano Safari, your own, etc.) and quickly adapt it to my model... you don't need a new curriculum if you don't want one!

- How to create fantastic teaching without lesson plans... no matter if you are teaching 3 or 6 or even 12 kids at a time

- A complete shopping list of equipment you will need... it's a smaller list than you might think

- My administrative systems that allow me to run a studio of 95 kids without headaches... I spend less than 10 hours per month on admin. These systems have scaled up to even a studio that has 700 students.

- How to get parents on board this program with just 3 emails. Many of my past SGL students have converted over 100% of their studios in just a few WEEKS with no headaches using the Magic Emails.

- How to get parents to pay you MORE for group lessons... this training alone would be worth the entire price of the course

- How to make $125/per hour (or more) with a group lesson program

- The exact emails and scripts that I have sent out to get parents to happily switch over to my group lesson program

- The Vault. Hours of video answering 34 very common questions that studio owners have about group lessons…. Ranging in topics from Logistics to Marketing to Education

- Time Management: How you can cover a dozen concepts in a single lesson without running out of time or feeling frazzled

- Six Educational Principles for Group Success: This hour long video presentation gives away the secrets of how I get 100% of my students to sight read notes and rhythm perfectly by the end of their second lesson.

It’s how I am able to enroll my students in the rigorous Royal Conservatory achievement program. My group students (and former group students) get First Class Honors or Highest Distinction scores year after year.

I open the doors tomorrow on December 27th.

Keep an eye on your inbox!



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At, it’s our mission to build a community of music education entrepreneurs that love building, scaling, and expanding their music studio! We focus on equipping these entrepreneurs with the very best information as it pertains to growing and scaling a successful, profitable music school. We love to help people learn how to market and scale their local and online studios. We do this by showing them how to teach students in a group setting rather than providing a service that can't scale - so they can live a great life and make a great living at the same time.

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