Subject: Teaching from the Beach

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I want to introduce you to my client “John.” (Name changed for anonymity purposes)

John is in an area of the United States that has been hardest hit by Corona.

His studio is closed indefinitely.

So, he didn’t renew his commercial space lease, picked up, and moved his studio out of his expensive city.

But - he’s still teaching his students.

I have another client… He has a long distance relationship, because his girlfriend is getting her PhD. He has been splitting time between his home city (60+ students) and the city where his girlfriend lives (100+ miles away).

And - yes - teaching his students during this time.

These are two examples of what is becoming increasingly normal:

Teaching remotely.

One could make that argument that - once this all blows over - you could continue to do this.

And you could even do it in groups.

Imagine not having to choose between going on vacation or bringing in revenue for your studio.

What if you could take a beach vacation during the summer… teach during the morning and evening hours… and spend the rest of your day poolside or at the beach?

Or, if that isn’t your cup of tea… perhaps a cabin far away from crowds.

Does this sound far-fetched?

It’s not.

Those who are motivated have never had a better opportunity than right now to shape their career and teaching practice. To make it exactly how they’d like it to be.

Want to teach in groups remotely? It’s possible.

Want to teach in groups in person once we have the “all clear”? Of course you can!

Would you like to make this possible?

If you’d like to start a group lesson program (online or physical), I’m going to give you a free consult answering your questions about:
  • How to get parents on board
  • How to get great results with the students (no matter the format)
  • What equipment you need to buy
  • How to get kids sight-reading in two lessons with my group lesson strategy
  • How to mix kids of different ability levels in the same group
  • A strategy for rolling this out in the summer or fall of this year
I look forward to speaking with you!

Very best,

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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