Subject: Successful Group Lessons Opens Tomorrow (Important Details)

Tomorrow I'm officially opening up enrollment to my training program, Successful Group Lessons.

If you've been following the posts, blogs, emails, and videos that I've been sharing for the past month (starting with the article and podcast that I did for Piano Bench Magazine and Tim Topham), then you have become familiar with the blueprint I used to create a six-figure studio with group lessons.

If you want to create a group program that attracts families to your studio and gives you the control you want over your finances and future... teaching group is a powerful way to do just that.

If you don't want those things - if you prefer doing the same day in / day out "glorified practice sessions" with one student at a time... or having to turn students away because you have no room left in your schedule - then perhaps this isn't for you.

Successful Group Lessons is designed to walk you through my simple blueprint that I've done with almost 2 dozen studios over the past year.

Inside the program you will be able to swipe my marketing emails and scripts.

You will learn how I've taught group for the past 10 years... without lesson plans or excessive outside work.

You'll learn my teaching style that allows me to see up to 6 kids at once... and feel no time pressure during the lesson.

You'll learn the educational principles that I discovered that allows me to produce great students with remarkable consistency.

You'll learn the organization system that allows me to see 95 kids per week - without stress and a surprisingly small amount of admin time.

I open the doors tomorrow at 12p Eastern / 9a Pacific.

Keep an eye on your inbox.


PS> I have one more special announcement.

The first 7 registrants will have a special opportunity... I want to reward people who DECISIVELY TAKE ACTION.

When you register, enter the code "FASTMOVER" at checkout and I'll give you a 10% discount on the price of registration. Watch your inbox for that opening email.

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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