Subject: [NEWS] What's coming Next

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We are just two weeks away from the Successful Group Lessons summer workshop.

In this workshop, I show you how to set up a simple, multi-level group that can double or even triple your studio’s margins.

I show you how to set it up just like I do in my studio.

I don’t want to be unclear or confusing. So, this email is LARGELY going to be informational.

THE PURPOSE OF THIS EMAIL: To help you know whether the resources, information, and tools that I’m giving away over the next few weeks is for you or not.

In plain, simple terms… I want to tell you what’s coming next… as you’ll see, this will apply to you whether or not you plan to work with me this summer.

So here’s a “mini-calendar” for the next three weeks.

Week of May 27th

I am going to give you an inside look at why I love teaching group lessons in this three videos:
  • Lesson #1: Why to Start a Group Program (Tuesday)
  • Lesson #2: How to Set Up and Teach a Group Program (Wednesday)
  • Lesson #3: How Your Career Will Change When You Teach a Group Program (Friday)
These will be video presentations with available written summaries.

They will be valuable whether or not you plan to work with me… so, please take advantage of the time and energy I’ve put into creating these educational presentations.

Week of June 3rd

This is registration week.

You will have from Monday, June 3rd - Friday, June 7th to register for the summer workshop.

Final details on this year’s prices are forthcoming.

There are payment plans available that will make this affordable for any budget. It will be about the same monthly cost as taking music lessons at a music studio.

Week of June 10th

The workshop will run from June 10th - June 30th.

It is entirely online.

You can watch it at your own pace. You will not “miss out” because you watch when you are ready. Everything is pre-recorded.


There are live sessions where you get to work with me… there will be MANY of these sessions scheduled so you don’t have to attend all of them if you don’t want to.

The live sessions will be recorded so you can watch ALL of them.

What Do I Get?

There is no program in the world on group lessons that is as comprehensive as Successful Group Lessons. Period.

You get 12 hours of core video training.

13 hours of bonus video, including observations of my own teaching studio.

Access to the member support group - no additional charge.

Live Q&A sessions with me throughout the year - no additional charge.

Unlike many programs out there… There are no licensing fees, no membership fees.

Best of all?

You get access to my marketing templates, my group lesson teaching plans, the combined wisdom of hundreds of teachers in the SGL member group… all of this is yours.

You become a lifetime member.


This only begins to scratch the surface of what’s in the program. The complete description will be yours on June 3rd when registration opens.

However, if you want a sneak peek… just reply to this email and ask!

Have a great weekend… and watch out for the first lesson this coming Tuesday!

Very best,

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DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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