Subject: Men Are From Mars, Women Are From...

If you were alive in the 1990’s, you are probably aware of the book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.

Yes, my parents owned this book

It was the #1 bestselling non-fiction book of the entire decade!

It was #1 on the non-fiction bestseller list for 121 weeks in a row.

According to Wikipedia:

The book and its central metaphor have become a part of popular culture and the foundation for the author's subsequent books, recordings, seminars, theme vacations, one-man Broadway show, TV sitcom, workout videos, a podcast, men's and ladies' apparel lines, fragrances, travel guides and his-and-hers salad dressings.

I think Dr. Gray hit a nerve (or they wouldn't have given him his own line of branded salad dressings).

So what was the powerful metaphor that he created for the purpose of this book?

That men and women are so different that they have different priorities, needs, and (most importantly) communication styles.

He believed that the conflict men and women often experience was the result of these differences.

This is very interesting, because I feel that this is true of studio owners and their clients, too!

Clients Are From Mars, Studio Owners Are From Venus

One of the main fears that studio owners have when converting to a group lesson program is whether or not parents will accept the format.

How do they address this fear?

By doing what “comes naturally”:

  1. Trying to convince their clients that the program will be good

  2. Trying to achieve consensus through surveys and conversations

  3. Lowering the price of their group program so parents will get on board (thereby eliminating the advantage of having a group program in the first place)

  4. Giving free trials of the group lesson program to unconvinced and suspicious clients

The problem?

All of these solutions are “Venus” solutions.

These things come naturally to the studio owner… they make sense to the studio owner...

But it’s not what the client needs to make a YES decision!

To get the clients on board (whether adult students or the parents of younger students)...

You have to speak their language.

This is why I created Successful Group Lessons...

I don't want you to have to spend years figuring out how to speak that language...

Or how to get parents on board your program.


I have created templates for you to use...

Whether it is online groups or in-person groups.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

You can copy and paste what I’ve created for you:

  1. Template marketing emails

  2. A script for trial lessons

  3. A script for phone conversations

  4. A script for in person conversations

I’ve used these personally for over a decade.

My clients have used these in their studios (for both adult and young students… and in many different disciplines - guitar, piano, drums, strings, etc.)

And they have worked very powerfully for them!

Are you ready to get going?

We will make this so simple for you!

Join Successful Group Lessons

I’ll see you in the training!

Very best,
