Subject: Learn group lessons from me

Today, you have the opportunity to join me in my Successful Group Lessons training.

If you have a piano, guitar, drums, or strings studio, then I recommend reading this email carefully!

I'll help you create a successful group program that will increase your margins by 2x or more.

If you've wanted to create greater community and camaraderie in your studio...

If you've ever wondered how to maximize your teaching hours...

If you've struggled to find a way to get more practice out of your students...

If the thought of making 2x or 3x your hourly rate appeals to you...

If you want to UPGRADE your current group lesson program...

If you've wanted to make a change...

Now is the time!

: : : Successful Group Lessons Is Live! : : :

Here's what to do now.

Click the link below and look at the page I've created for you.

In it, I have included a ton of valuable information:

--- The 3 discoveries I made in my first few years of teaching group

--- Common questions that new group teachers have

--- A thorough description of the Successful Group Lessons training

--- Over a half dozen case studies of teachers that have gone through the training

--- Testimonials from two dozen very happy clients that went through the training (though I could have included 100+ more from my archive)

--- Complete details about cost and payment plans so you can take the training

--- Too much valuable information to describe here (just click below!)

Are you in?

Click here to learn about Successful Group Lessons

I'm opening the doors today... and open enrollment will close this Friday at 11pm.

I look forward to working with you!



PS> Do you have questions? Not sure if this is right for you?

Hit reply to this email! I answer all questions that are sent to me.