Subject: Kitten Massage

The most adorable email you’ll open all month…

Do you like my subject line?

Well, I'm going to deliver on the promise in 3... 2... 1...

Cuteness overload

Wouldn’t it be great to be this relaxed while teaching?

To have more time for yourself?

Well, you absolutely can… It’s what I experienced in my studio as I expanded my group lesson program.

It’s why I created Successful Group Lessons.

I’ve been able to help hundreds and hundreds of studio owners avoid the stupid mistakes I made early on… so they can get to the fun part faster.

Meet Studio Owners Just Like You

I want to introduce you to close to a dozen studio owners who took time to meet with me and share their experiences:

  • What it was like to take the Successful Group Lessons training

  • What their studio was like before

  • What their studio is like now

  • How easy (or hard) it was to convert

  • What they learned in this whole process

So, just take a few moments to hear their stories.

If you have concerns, self-doubt, or questions... I think any of these 4-6 minute videos will go a long way in helping you make a decision that could make a big difference in your studio, income, and career.

You will notice that there are no "fantasy" claims here... each person mentioned that it was work to do the conversion. They had obstacles to overcome.

So, there are no unrealistic promises... Just candid, unscripted stories of their work with me and the changes they made in their studio.

Today is the last day to join the January 2023 class of Successful Group Lessons.

Those who register now get special benefits that those who join during the rest of the year don’t receive:

  • Access to live Q&A’s with me

  • Additional community support for all of those who are going through the training currently

  • Ability to choose when our live webinars will be

  • The ability to prepare for a strong group summer camp or fall enrollment in your new group program

Click below to join:

Look forward to working with you!

Very best,
