Subject: John F. Kennedy's hat

When he was just a boy, John F. Kennedy attended a school with a strict dress code.

The children at this school knew that they must abide by that dress code every day. And, they knew the consequences of losing any part of their school uniform.

The young boys at the school had a hat as part of their uniform.

One day, several of the boys from the school… including young John… were playing by an orchard with a tall wall surrounding it.

The boys thought the wall would be impossible to climb, and began daring each other to climb it.

John looked at the wall, removed his hat, and threw the hat over the wall!

The rest of the boys were aghast and asked him: “Why did you do that?”

To which he replied: “Because now I have to climb the wall.”

And, yes, he climbed that wall… retrieved his hat… and came back over the wall again.

John F. Kennedy told this story in the 60’s while President of the United States.

Often, we hesitate to move forward because of fear, or lack of certainty, or doubt about our own ability to make something work.

I tell you this story now, because I would like to recommend that you throw your hat over the wall.

Beginning a group program can seem like an impossible task.

And, there are plenty of excuses that studio owners find to not do it:
  • Parents in my studio would never accept a program like that
  • I live in a small town, and this would destroy my reputation
  • I could never give up the “special” relationship that I have with my students
  • I don’t know if I could handle four students at once
  • There aren’t enough students around me to make this possible
  • I don’t know how I would schedule all of these students!
But, I assure you… there has not been even one fear yet that the Successful Group Lessons program has not been able to address.

I say this confidently because every time I find a different excuse or fear that a studio owner brings to me… I adjust the training to help address it!

And - in fact - the list of fears above were told to me by past alumni of the training!

If you are on the fence and just not sure… Here my advice:

Time to throw your hat over the wall.

Join Successful Group Lessons

Look forward to working with you!

Until then,

PS> What’s your concern or fear? Send me an email and let me know!

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