Subject: How to spend your time as you get older

I recently came across this graph about how the average person spends their time throughout their life:

It really got me thinking about how to spend my time in 2023.

Here are my six big takeaways:

(1) Family time is limited— try to maximize this as much as possible. Never take it for granted.

(2) Friend time is limited—go out of your way to schedule time with your friends this coming year.

(3) Time with your children is precious—and you can’t get that time back, so be there as much as possible. Don’t check out. Prioritize this in your schedule.

(4) Work time is significant—make sure you are getting energy from your job.

(5) Alone time is highest—invest that time in learning and self-improvement.

These are some serious thoughts to weigh as we head into 2023.

This is why I created my Successful Group Lessons training...

I wanted to spend more time with my young son.

I didn’t want to have to teach late on weeknights (sometimes I had to teach as late as 10pm before I started group!)

I wanted to feel excitement and energy when I finished working for the day.

I wanted to spend more time with friends (before and after work).

Group helped me do all of these things!

And with the increased time that I had to myself… I was able to spend more time on myself professionally.

The alone time I spent on my professional development directly contributed to my ability to grow my studio, learn about marketing, and even improve as a teacher as I had more time and energy to reflect on my teaching and the results my students were getting!

If you’d like to make a big change in 2023… and improve the usage of your own time…

Come learn from my how to run a multi-level group program.

Open enrollment extends until early next week.

Look forward to working with you!



PS> If you are a larger school that wants to run group lessons or improve your current program or get more enrollment for your current program…. Please reach out to me. I have a special solution for you.

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At, it’s our mission to build a community of music education entrepreneurs that love building, scaling, and expanding their music studio! We focus on equipping these entrepreneurs with the very best information as it pertains to growing and scaling a successful, profitable music school. We love to help people learn how to market and scale their local and online studios. We do this by showing them how to teach students in a group setting rather than providing a service that can't scale - so they can live a great life and make a great living at the same time.

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