Subject: [GROUP] The $100,000 Challenge

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Have you enjoyed the emails about group over the past two weeks? I have tried to make learning about group fun and exciting.

However, this week… my tone is going to be a little (not a lot) more serious.

This week, I want to give you valuable information about teaching group, what’s in the Successful Group Lessons program (including commitments and costs), and how you can start a group program with little to NO hassle.

To that end, you are going to want to open every email this week… I’m going to reveal a little more each day (not to tease you, but because there’s so much to show and share with you).

And with that, let’s begin...

Over the past two years, I have had a chance to talk to a lot of studio owners about group, about their concerns and fears, and what they want out of a group curriculum.

As a result of these conversations, I have written many posts and emails… I’ve created a fair number of videos about group.

But, of all the concepts and emails and videos that were the most helpful to people… The $100,000 Challenge has been the most helpful.

It’s a very simple idea.

The biggest obstacles to beginning group are the “unknowns” surrounding it.
  1. Will I be good at teaching in this new way?
  2. Will parents quit?
  3. Will I lose the great relationships with my students?
  4. How do I know what equipment to buy?
The list goes on and on.

The $100,000 Challenge is this…

If someone promised you to write a check for $100,000 if you did 3 simple actions… would you take them up on that challenge?

You might wonder what the actions are… They’re simple:
  1. You buy 4 (relatively) inexpensive digital instruments for your studio
  2. You set up your teaching space to accommodate the group program
  3. You send out an invitation email to those in your studio
Would you do these 3 actions if you knew that $100k was on the line?

Keep in mind… you don’t have to be successful at it… they’re just going to give you the $100,000.

Would you do it?

Here’s the interesting thing… that is actually what is at stake for every teacher that would begin a group program but something is holding them back!

It was true for me… within a year of my complete conversion to group, I was making over six figures in my studio.

This is what is at stake for you too!

Now, I’ve put together a tremendous program to help you with knowing what instruments to buy, how to set things up, how to get new parents and current parents on board…

And that is why this Friday I’m opening registration for the Holiday 2018 version of Successful Group Lessons.

In just a few short days, you can join me and dozens of other participants in making a HUGE and PROFITABLE change in your studio in 2019.

There are many new additions to the program this year… I’ve added hours of new videos, I have added a “profitable summer camp” course that is COMPLETELY FREE, and I have some bonus surprises that will be revealed over the next few days.

If any of the following describes you… then joining me in Successful Group Lessons could be one of the best decisions you make this year:
  • You are tired of being a glorified babysitter for kids
  • You are exhausted with having to teach late into the evening
  • You want more intellectual stimulation than teaching beginner pieces to students 1-to-1
  • You are turning away students because you’re full… or you have a waiting list
  • You are the owner of a large academy and you want to increase enrollment while DECREASING staff costs
  • You feel as if you have reached the limits of your income… and it just isn’t enough to make ends meet or you are seriously considering a different profession
If any of these describe you, I will help you.

If several of these describe you… then jumping in with me should be a no-brainer.

If you are concerned about costs or whether or not it will work for you… don’t worry. I have a lot to show you this week.

Look out for tomorrow’s email!

Very best,

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