Subject: [GROUP LESSONS] Is It Time For You to Upgrade Your Studio?

Email 1 of 3: Is it Time For You to Upgrade Your Studio?

Hi Friend,

If you are serious about starting a group lesson program (or upgrading the group program that already exists in your studio), read this email all the way to the end. This email will only take a minute or two to read.

In today’s email I’m going to teach you how to solve 5 problems that plague many private teachers who DO NOT teach group lessons. This email could be of great financial value to you.

If you don’t want to read my email and just want to watch the video, CLICK HERE.

You are receiving this email because you signed up to learn more about group lessons on my blog, Grow Your Music Studio. 1,027 people have signed up to receive these emails from me about group lessons… there is a lot of interest in this topic!

Because of this, I’m going to be sending out 3 emails this week with a lot of helpful information…. And even more next week!

If you don’t like email or don’t like learning, just click here and you won’t hear any more about group lessons from me!

Now, for those who are hungry for this information, keep reading… I have something very valuable for you today:

My Journey to a Successful Group Program

I created my group program format 10 years ago. I was nervous about offering my brand new program to people in my studio.

As you might imagine, I was really hoping for strong enrollment in this program.

I wanted a way to see more students, to decrease the size of my waitlist, to end the 12 hour days I was working, and to end my traveling lesson schedule.

It didn’t go quite as smoothly as planned (more on that later), but the DECISION to take action made all the difference.

During the next two weeks, I am going to show you what I’ve learned about teaching a successful group lesson program.

That begins today… if you scroll down a bit further, you will see a link to a special video that I’ve made.

But first...

Your Success: Answering Your Group Questions

I know that many people are hungry for this information.

In late April, I sent out a survey asking people what they wanted to know about starting and teaching a group lesson program.

Here are just a sampling of the questions that I received from that survey:
  • How do I get parents to catch the vision for my program?
  • Logistics! What is the best physical setup and lesson format? 
  • Why don’t parents see the value of a program like this?
  • What is the most cost effective method for starting a group program in a small studio?
  • How do I make it profitable?
  • How do I teach a group program? What materials should I use?
  • What is the ideal class size?
  • How do I convince my existing parents!?!?
  • How do I keep a classroom full of children under control?

Do any of these resonate with you?

They certainly do with me.

When I was just beginning my journey, all of these questions (and more) were swirling through my head.

It is my intention to answer every single one of these questions during the coming weeks.

Which leads me to today’s training...

Is It Time for You to Update Your Studio?

In today’s video, I want to show you the FIVE reasons I knew it was time to teach group… 

These were true for me 10 years ago, and they might be true for you now, as well! 

The five reasons are: 
  1. You’re bored
  2. You’re overworked
  3. You’re turning away students
  4. You’re schedule is “stuck”
  5. You’re terminally poor with no chance of remedy 

I’m painfully honest with these reasons… and this isn’t just a cute motivational video. 

In the video, I teach you how to solve these 5 problems, as well. 

I wish I had known these things at the beginning of my journey!

Click below to watch this useful video: 

There are a LOT of people who are watching this video with you… Let’s encourage each other! In the comments on this video, write down the #1 thing that you learned or what stood out to you the most. 

I’ll see you in the comments ---- I read and respond to every one! 


PS> This is the 1st of 3 group emails. I will send the second on Thursday and the third on Saturday. Be on the lookout!

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