Subject: Falling Penguin

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Did you like my subject line?

Well, I’m going to deliver on the promise in 3… 2... 1...
Poor guy needs glasses! How adorable would that be!?!?
Everybody likes the feeling of success.

But, in getting to success, you are likely going to trip up a few times.

I know I had my share of stumbles and scrapes when I was creating my group lesson program back in 2008.

It’s why I created Successful Group Lessons.

I’ve been able to help hundreds of studio owners avoid the stupid mistakes I made early on.

Meet Studio Owners Just Like You
I want to introduce you to close to a dozen studio owners who took time to meet with me and share their experiences:
  • What it was like to take the Successful Group Lessons training
  • What their studio was like before
  • What their studio is like now
  • How easy (or hard) it was to convert
  • What they learned in this whole process
So, take just a few moments to hear their stories.

If you have concerns, self-doubt, or questions... I think any of these 4-6 minute videos will go a long way to helping you make a decision that could make a big difference in your studio, income, and career.

You will notice that there are no “fantasy” claims here… each person mentions that it was work to do the conversion. They had obstacles to overcome.

So, there are no unrealistic promises… Just candid, unscripted stories of their work with me and the changes they made in their studio.
Paul and Melissa Lucas | From 35 to 150 Students in 9 Months
NOTE: This is an amazing case study… By rolling out group lessons, they created the space in their studio to see a lot more students… and by having such a “high quality” program, word spread quickly that they were doing something special.
Definitely check out this case study:

If you are ready to begin, just click below… And join the many other studio owners who are starting group lessons in their studio during this coming school year!

Registration is open until Friday at 11pm Eastern time. You have approximately 40 hours left to register.

Very best,

PS> Just to let you know… you will be receiving a LOT of emails from me tomorrow… I want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to register before registration closes.

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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