Subject: Do you have doubts?

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I have just a few more surprises to send you… and then after 11:00p tonight, I’m heading off into the holiday break… and you shall not hear me talk about group lessons for a long time.

Here’s the simple question I have for you:

Do you have doubts about starting group lessons?

Doubts about your ability?

Doubts about whether Successful Group Lessons will work?

Doubts about the investment of time and money into equipment, training, and setup?

If you do… you will want to read this email all the way to the end.

In Their Own Words…

I asked many past students of Successful Group Lessons to answer 8 questions for me.

These questions were about their experience in the program, what has changed in their studio, the results they are getting out of students, and how effective my marketing system was for their group.

These videos contain their candid, unscripted answers!

Click below to hear their stories.

If you have concerns, self-doubt, or questions... I think these 6 minute videos will go a long way to helping you make a decision that could make a big difference in your studio, income, and career.

Not only that, I have added new testimonials and success stories from inside our Mastermind group to the SGL description page. These are encouraging stories that members post about their experiences teaching and marketing their group lesson program

Here are just a few:

"After having taught group lessons for slightly over 2 years, I was disappointed that out of more than 70 students I only had 4 group classes running. I knew that I needed help with how to market effectively, along with making some further improvement to the educational component.

After reading through multiple blogs and websites I found Daniel's site and subscribed to receive his emails. His content resonated far more with me than other content I had read elsewhere! The training has been very valuable! So far, I've completely changed my marketing approach to that which is advocated in the course. The change in my results was immediately obvious. Previously, I struggled to enroll new students in my group program; most parents simply opted for one-to-one lessons. Within the last 3 weeks I've had enquiries for a total of 6 new beginner students. These have all been placed into the group format by following the marketing strategy within the course! This wouldn't have happened before! I'm sure I'll continue to experience success with the same strategy going forward.

I've found the process of converting current one-to-one to group much easier than I thought- all thanks to this course! I'd very much recommend SGL to anyone who is serious about expanding their studio through providing group lessons!"

Frazer Mitchell
Wichita Falls, TX

"This course is organized and to the point. You will find lots of specific information and outlines and templates that will get you going with your group classes right away. You will get the opportunity to see firsthand how Daniel runs his group lessons with simplicity and ease. All your questions will be answered. Daniel is a terrific listener and never just gives canned answers. He gets to the the heart of your questions and gives you real workable solutions. It is much easier to get started on your adventure with top notch guidance and a support team, so go for it."

Ruth Michaelis
Spokane, WA

"I joined SGL because I was teaching seven days a week, traveling to all my students, and was really feeling run down (with a full workload of around 35 students). My piano practice was suffering, as well as my personal relationships due to being overworked.

I have begun the transition into my group lesson format and feel empowered with a solid community of other studio owners to troubleshoot any unforeseen difficulties.

The offer emails alone written by Daniel that help convert your existing students into group lessons were one of my favorite things that came with the program. The simple emails contained within them genius marketing tactics. Not only is the marketing good but the format of the lessons in the educational component make you feel equipped to offer a better product than a private lesson could ever do.

Thanks Daniel, you have never disappointed me. For every dollar that I invest in your services I always end up getting 10 back and with more confidence and satisfaction at that."

Eric Rinehart
Costa Mesa, CA

"I would like to recommend the Successful Group Lesson Training. Our studio was already teaching group classes before I joined the training. The SGL training was very beneficial to help me see another teacher teaching group lessons. The live action videos helped me fine tune my current group teaching. The most helpful thing I learned is how to present and talk about group classes. Now I have a greater vocabulary for what to say to prospective families about the great benefits of group piano lessons."

Loria Preston
Seattle, WA

"I have been following Daniel’s work for almost 4 years. The time was ripe for me to pursue working with him and I am very thankful I am! His teaching style is direct and easy to apply.

I feel absolutely confident making the move to convert my studio to groups!! I have seen his support and the peer support at work already! When I have questions, I know there will be answers!

In my excitement while taking the class, I have made small talk with a couple of parents. 3 of my 12 slots for groups are already filled before sending the first email!!!!

Before the training, I had completely maxed my working hours and still needed more income. This training and support has been worth every dollar! If you have hit an income ceiling (and may be a little bored teaching one on one) this may be a great model for you!!!"

Deb Lentz
Greensboro, NC

"I joined SGL because I was working so many hours teaching that I was exhausted! I was consistently seeing many students struggle with home practice and I became convinced that SGL could be a good solution to this problem. I liked the idea of group lessons, but did not like the idea of keeping everyone at the same level. SGL was the answer for this. The training was wonderful and gave me the skills and confidence to actually start doing it!"

Joanne Faris
St. Thomas, ON

Successful Group Lessons closes for the year in just under 12 hours. That's at 11pm EST tonight. 


PS> I will send one more summary this evening and cart close warning... I want to make sure that you have EVERY opportunity to get in before SGL closes for the year.

After that... you will not hear from me about group lessons for a long time. Not a peep.

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