Subject: Didn't want you to miss this...


This week I've sent out quite a bit of information about group lessons!  I wanted to make sure you didn't miss anything.

By the way... If you don't want to hear about group lessons from me anymore... just click here and you'll be taken off my group program information list!

If you are considering group lessons or want to "upgrade" your current program to a "full studio" endeavor... you will want to read this email!

Earlier this week, I talked about the "WHY" of group lessons... the motivation behind my doing a group lesson program.

There are now dozens of comments on this video... people are resonating with some of the problems that one-to-one teachers have:
  1. Watching the same children come in and practice the same songs in front of you week after week
  2. Having to work long long hours just to make ends meet
  3. Being limited in your studio growth by the precious few hours that students can see you after school
If these resonate with you, check out my full video: 

In my second video, I covered the "What" of group lessons.

How to set up your studio, what equipment to buy, and even showed a video clip from inside my studio of how I do opening procedures with kids!

If you're having trouble picturing what a group studio looks like... you'll want to check out this video.  You can do so by clicking here:

I put a lot of time into these videos... hope you enjoy them!


PS> I've got one more video coming this Saturday... it's going to put it all together and show you how to get parents on board your group program.

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