Subject: Can you teach groups online?

Later this week, I’m going to do a Q&A video answering all of your questions...

However, there is one question that has been coming up so consistently that I felt I needed to address it separately.

The question?

“Daniel, is it possible to teach your group lesson program online?"

The answer?

A short story for you.

Earlier this year, we did an enrollment for Successful Group Lessons (similar to the one that we are doing right now)

This was in late February...

Dozens of studios registered.

Right after that, COVID-19 reared its ugly head.

All of the sudden, everyone’s plans were completely ruined. Including these teachers who thought they were going to be doing group in person.

But that isn’t the end of the story...

Our entire alumni community came together and figured out how to do groups online.

We had brand new group teachers converting to group and online lessons in the same month!

Doing anything new is a little rocky at first, but did it work?

Yes, it absolutely did.

As it turns out, the essential “core” of my group lesson training is the educational component.

The technology was a challenge at first...

But, we discovered that the educational experience could be delivered just as effectively via video as in person!

This was true for piano, drums, guitar, and strings...

And so - we updated the training to share the wisdom that our teachers gleaned.

In 2020, we amended the group lessons training to include:

  • A technology guide for online group lessons

  • Best practices for online group lessons

  • Alumni wisdom shared in our secret forum

  • Observation videos of our group lesson pros teaching actual group lessons for you on camera!

So - whether you are doing lessons online or in person...

We’ve got you covered!

Wow! I didn’t know you could teach group lessons online!

We are currently enrolling for the first class of 2021...

Open enrollment closes on January 1st at 11pm.

I look forward to working with you!

Very best,


PS> We are releasing our “Viewer Mailbag” Q&A video in the next few days… there’s still time to send me an email with a question!