Subject: Are you afraid of your students?

I usually help about 75 studios per year convert to group.

Can you guess what most studio owners identify as their #1 fear?

Maybe do a quick self-assessment and think about what scares you

Here’s your answer in…





Most studio owners are afraid that they’ll try to begin a group program and they won’t get ANY buy-in from their current customers.

That new students will reject their studio because they use group lessons.

What’s the solution?

Well, I have good news for you…

There are ways to do this without convincing, arm-twisting, lying, or “selling” group to your studio.

Most studios make the mistake of announcing the change and then trying to convince skeptical parents that it’s a good thing.

99% of the time it means low interest and enrollment in the program.

That’s why I created Successful Group Lessons…

I wanted to show studio and school owners a “way” to convert that resulted in 80% - 100% conversion rates

The training does this in two ways:.

1. I teach the “4 Magic Messages”...

Four phrases that you can use with parents that help them see the value of the group.

2. I give you copy / paste conversion templates…

Emails that you can send to your studio that 300+ other studios have used to get that high conversion rate.

By the way… that phrase “copy/paste” is sometimes overused.

I do literally mean copy/paste.

We have dozens and dozens of examples of studios that didn’t change ONE word from my template.

They sent it to their studio.

And they converted all of their students.

The flipside…

We’ve never had even ONE studio fail to convert.

That’s a solid track record… especially when you consider that I’ve helped around 400 studios convert to my multi-level system.

I’d like to help you do that, too.

Would you like that?

Open enrollment extends until this Friday (March 4th) at 11pm New York time.

Look forward to working with you!

