Subject: An adorable picture of my 4.5 year old

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the last day you will be receiving emails from me about group lessons. That means you only have a little bit of time left to register for SGL.

I'd like to introduce you to someone special.

I took this picture of my little guy the month he began piano lessons:

You might be wondering why I'm sending you this photo.

Well, I'm very excited to say that he joined my group lesson program during the spring last year!

I was a little concerned at first... was he too young? Could he succeed if I put him in to this accelerated program?

As it turns out, he did just fine!

No double standards here.

I placed him in my general group program… because I believe it is the best program available in my studio for new students!

How to Effectively Teach Group Lessons

I've met a lot of piano teachers. No matter the individual personality, I've found something to be true of teachers. 

Deep down, they really, truly want what is best for their students. 

I've encountered a number of teachers who were concerned about switching to the group format. They had real concerns about the quality of their instruction. 

Their concerns have been valid: 
  • What if student progress slows down? 
  • What if I can't hack it as a group teacher? 
  • Won't I be stressed teaching all those kids? 
  • How will students be able to keep up? 
  • How can I possibly expect to speed up student progress using group? 
This is where my Six Educational Principles will come in handy. My group lesson program isn't a curriculum or method. 

It is a style. 

It is a style of teaching that focuses on sight-reading and the process of learning. 

In my program, I take students - even as young as 4 years old - and train them very efficiently on how to take responsibility for their own progress. 

This is a meta-skill. A skill that makes learning other skills easier. 

This is how I put my 4 year old in group and saw him FLY through his first book in a matter of 12 weeks.

My Six Principles training is (possibly) the very best thing about the Successful Group Lessons course. I have shared this with not only with people who take the training... but private lesson teachers, as well. 

I have consistently received feedback that this session alone was worth the entire price of the course. 

I would love to show this to you. 

There's still time to take advantage! 

Best, Daniel

PS> We are about 10 hours away from the cart closing for good! After that... you can expect to only hear from me when I write new posts on my blog or create new videos

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