Subject: We Wish You All A Happy Holiday and the Best in 2022

Hello Friend,

Just a quick message from me and my family to you and yours.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!

Even if you do or don't celebrate Christmas,
It is still the most wonderful time of the year... right?
Some of us spend time giving thanks to God (or to the Source

as some would say), for this GIFT of life.

Some spend time with friends and family;
some are glad for the holidays and the days off mundane preoccupations, some travel to fun destinations, while others
don't even bother with any festivity.
It doesn't matter which category you fall into, once you are

alive today, you just give thanks for another opportunity.

As the new year approaches I really, wish you all the best in health
and then in your work or business endeavors.

I do believe 2022 will become the year you've been waiting for!

Stay tuned because big things are coming your way!

Enjoy the day and stay awesome!

Carl Rose & Dr. Charles

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