Subject: WARNING: FTC Rules for Online Business - Hackers Beware!

Hey, friend!

Do you know that you can maintain your on line business COMPLIANCE with FTC Rules of Engagement and still boost the internet SECURITY to your websites?

This is like killing 2-birds with one stone!

Figure this...

Have you ever woken up to that heart-crushing message? 

I have.. and trust me: IT SUCKS! 

Not only are you not able to get into your site... 

- you lose out on traffic 
- you lose out on sales 
- you lose out on leads 

And even worse...

Google will put a BIG FAT “WARNING” message to every user that lands on your site. 

And they’ll deindex your site and you’ll lose all your rankings. 

Again, I know this from experience. 

So, how do you protect yourself from this happening to you? 

If you think it couldn’t happen to you, you are in even more trouble than you think. 

And that’s why I’m excited to be sending you this email. 

A new web app called "Marshal" has just been released that allows you to fortify your websites, boost your SEO, and still ensure legal compliance across the board.

..But it gets better. 

Businesses are now willing to pay you for these services that they can’t afford to do without!

Short on time? see a demo here 

You already need to do this in your own business.

But now, you can get paid a king’s ransom performing it for other local businesses too!

Here's what Marshal can do for you:

Protect your websites from hacks, defacing, and data theft;

 Ensure full legal compliance with global laws like ADA, GDPR, and more,

 Boost your search engine rankings and drive long-term traffic,

 Offer protection and compliance services to other businesses for profits.

Don't become another victim of hackers and 'ambulance-chasing' crooked lawyers.

Remember, businesses like Efficient Escrow, Green Ford Sales, and Wright Hotels that lost thousands and even millions to cyber criminals and legal troubles. 

You need to act now to protect your online business!

> See the demo video here 

If you are interested in a comprehensive setup BUNDLE, for your own sites AND/OR to generate easy (almost passive) inc0me providing these services to your customers and subscribers,

check out the video for the heavily discounted BUNDLE OFFER below:


P.S. For a VERY limited time, you’ll be able to access Marshal at an amazing special. 

>>> Check out the video for the heavily discounted

        BUNDLE OFFER below: 

It will not take a lot of convincing for you recognize the INC0ME potential in this DFY BUNDLE offer.

Keep me posted.

To your success

Dr. Charles & Team

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