Hey Friend,
Ok, so they're off, but they might not actually be running.
I'm referring to the people who started my BUILT TO FAST program yesterday.
Running is not a requirement to weight loss. In fact, the way a lot of people do it is the opposite of the type of cardio exercise that they should be doing. That's a story for another day though.
The people in my group are focusing on nutrition right now. And more specifically, fasting.
In fact, one woman got going right out of the gate yesterday and started her first fast.
Was it super simple and the easiest thing she's ever done? Of course not.
Is anything in life like that? Probably not.
Most things in life that we want to achieve, will only happen once we step out of our comfort zones (and maybe try something different).
Do you want to play the piano? You're probably going to have to practice a lot and study the intricacies of a piano.
Do you want to run a marathon? You're probably going to have to log a lot of miles and some of that will be in wind, rain, snow, etc.
Do you want to make more money? You're probably going to have to get a second job or start a side hustle or put in more hours at your current job.
I can go on and on, but I'm sure you get the point Friend.
And that's waht these people did who started my program yesterday.
They wanted to lose weight and feel better and get healthier.
And they knew that the path they were on was not getting them there.
So they're stepping out of their 'comfort zones' and trying something that's not all that familiar to them.
They're learning all about fasting and the incredible effects that it has on their body.
They're going to see that it's not just going to help them lose weight, feel great, look great, etc., but it's going to change their whole relationship with food and how they view nutrition and food in general.
They probably saw a lot of the testimonials I've posted from others who have gone through my program.
But more importantly, they got to the point themselves, where they've had enough.
And that's what it takes.
Nobody is going to get you to take action and change your body (or your mind) unless YOU are ready.
Sure, you can be motivated by others, but at the end of the day, YOU have to want it badly enough. YOU have to want to make the change. The pain YOU are going through has to be unbearable and you can't take it another day.
And until it reaches that point for YOU, things are going to stay the same, unfortunately.
Sad but true.
That's why so much of our society is overweight and unhealthy.
The pain for those people hasn't reached it's tipping point.
But it has for the people that started with me yesterday.
And I couldn't be more excited for them.
I'll be keeping you posted over the next 8 weeks on their progress.
If at any point, the pain for you reaches that tipping point, you know where to reach me.
I'd love to get you started on your new life.
And remember, you might have to step out of your comfort zone in the beginning a little.
But nothing great ever happens from those who stay 'comfortable'.
P.S. If you're tipping point is now, you can get started with me ASAP. Simply reply to this email and let me know you want more info. I'm a nice guy and there's no commitment to just reaching out and getting the details. :)