Hey Friend,
I hope you had a great weekend.
The other day I posted a survery on my Facebook wall. I may have sent it out to you too since you're on my list. I asked questions about weight loss and why you want to lose weight specifically. How would you feel, what would it mean to you, how would it make your life better, etc.
And the answers made me think.
Why do people really want to lose weight? And is it more of a feeling that so many people are after or is it a look?
I suppose it's both, right?
The more I thought about it though, I started to think that it's the feeling that many people are after. And they might not even know it at first.
But think about that for a minute.
In the psychology world this is often referred to as peeling the onion.
We're taught as trainers to keep asking why when someone says they want to lose weight. And the answers in the beginning are usually, "because I want to lose weight". And then the next answer (layer of the onion) is "because i want to wear my skinny jeans again". And then the next answer (layer) is "because I'm sick of looking like this". And we keep asking and peeling and asking and peeling, etc.
And then we finally get to an answer that sounds something like this..."because I want to feel like my husband/wife is attracted to me", or, "because I want to feel confident and/or sexy", etc.
Do you see the difference? The last 2 have to do with feeling a certain way. The first few are what you might say superficial. Although they are still worthy and many people feel this way. But they have to do with looks and not feelings.
I also think the answer to the question of whether or not we want to lose weight because we want to LOOK a certain way or FEEL a certain way, changes as we get older.
When we're young we just want to look great.
As we get older and into our 30's, 40's, and 50+, we want to feel a certain way.
And for many of us, we don't have that feeling when we're 15, 20, 30+ pounds overweight.
So, what's it for you?
Are you after a look or a feeling? Or maybe it's both?
I'd love to hear back from you on what it is for you.
And remember, I can help get you that feeling.
The last day to save money on my 8 week F.A.T. Method Program is today. The price goes up tomorrow.
If you'd like that feeling, along with looking great too, reply to this email and let me know. I'll give you all the details and get you signed up if you're ready.
Thanks Friend. Here's to a great week! :)