Hey Friend,
It was about 2017, I was not happy with the way I looked.
I was not overweight at all but I was too skinny and didn't have much muscle definition.
So I decided I was going to put on some weight and gain some muscle.
Not easy to do for someone who had been lifting weights for awhile and was not in their "prime" anymore.
I was already in my 40's at that point and, as I said, it's not easy to gain muscle and not fat over a short period of time.
When you've been lifting weights for awhile and you're not in your early 20's, the rate at which you can gain muscle (and not FAT) is about 8-10 pounds for the year.
If you gain more than that, you'll probably be gaining more fat than muscle.
So I set out to gain some muscle.
But just like everyone else, I was impatient.
So I ramped up my eating.
I increased my protein and carbohydrate intake.
And everything was good.
I gained about 5 pounds in the first month. I was excited.
Why did I think that was a good idea.
I knew better!
But just like everyone else, I wanted results now.
So I put the blinders on and continued my eating.
What a mistake!
And me, the fitness expert, I should have known better.
So fast forward about 6 months later and I had gained about 23 pounds!
What was I thinking?
Did I gain any muscle?
Of course I did.
Did I gain MOSTLY FAT?
Of course I did!!
So now what?
Well, I couldn't stand to live with this extra fat.
So I now went into FAT LOSS mode.
What was I going to do to lose all of this fat?
I wanted it to come off as quickly as it went on.
But counting calories is not something I wanted to do to be honest.
I knew eating enough protein was going to help me keep any muscle I had so that was easy to just figure out and not something I needed to "track".
I also knew I still wanted to be able to eat the foods that I loved eating.\
I don't mean cheeseburgers and ice cream.
I mean the few things that I really liked that were healthy also.
I also knew that I didn't want to do lots of cardio because I find it really boring and I know it actually doesn't help that much with fat loss (it's ok for "weight" loss but not so much for fat loss...there is a difference).
So after thinking about all of the above, I put together a plan.
What I didn't realize at the time is that what I put together is what eventually became my F.A.T. Method Program.
I implemented everything right away.
I noticed the fat loss right from the get go.
I was losing fat each week and starting to feel so much better.
I kept up with my strength training so I knew that the weight I was losing was fat, and not muscle.
I put my nose to the grindstone and was living the F.A.T. Method lifestyle.
As I said, at the time, I didn't have a name for what I was doing, but I was living this life and it wasn't a diet, I wasn't buying special foods, I wasn't tracking all of my meals, etc.
I was loving it and the fat was falling off of me.
Fast forward about 6 months and I not only lost the 23 pounds I gained, but I lost 4 more for a total of 27 pounds!
But this time with my combination of strength training and my newly found S.E.O Nutrition Plan, I had a physique that I was more comfortable with and more confident.
The strength training was nothing new to me.
But what I had stumbled upon with my eating and my nutrition was mind blowing.
It had been right in front of me my whole life but I never was able to see it.
My brain was overcrowded with all of the "diet" industry B.S. and all of the dieting trends; high carb/low carb, high fat/low fat, KETO, ATKINS, WHOLE 30, PALEO, Weight Watchers, Isagenix.
The list goes on and on.
I was finally able to see the forest through the trees.
And holy cow, what a revelation this was.
I'm not kidding.
Not only was I losing fat at a grat rate, but I had more energy, I was sleeping better, my mood was elevated, etc.
That's when It hit me.
How many others would benefit from learning what I just did?
I thought it might be a lot.
And I was right.
No calorie counting, no macro counting, no meal plans, no special foods to buy, more energy, better sleep, no bloating, etc.
And major weight loss in addition to all of the above benefits!
Who wouldn't want this?
But I wanted to make sure it was perfected and done correctly.
So I waited a little while and in the meantime I put a few people through it who were kind of like "F.A.T. Method Testers".
And the results they got were incredible.
Now I knew it was time to unleash it to the public!
So I packaged it up and told the world about it (or at least anyone on Facebook that might be interested 🙂
And here we are almost 3 years later.
Over 300+ women, mostly over 40 years old have, gone through the program (and a few guys who care about their looks and health) and have had amazing experiences.
I really mean that...amazing.
Tons of FAT loss, looking better, feeling great, sleeping better, more energy, better skin, etc.
What more could you possibly ask for, right?
It's been an intersting journey from where I was in 2017 to where I am now.
Not only am I happier because of what I discovered with my nutrition and my eating, but it's changed the lives of so many others.
And that's a pretty awesome feeling.
It really is.
It's hard to put it into words.
But many of the people who have gone through the program have.
I have tons of testimonials and I've had many conversations with a lot of them.
If you've read this far, thank you!
And if you're in the same boat as I was and you're looking to lose 10, 15, 20+ pounds, but you're not interested in counting calories, counting macros, doing lots of cardio, etc.
But you want to try something new.
I'd love to give you more info.
If so, just reply back to this email and I'll give you all of the details.
I know what I've put together can help you if you're looking to lose weight and keep it off.