Subject: Friend, can that really be a lifestyle?

Hey Friend,

  Yesterday afternoon I had a consultation with a woman that is going through my program.

  She's doing well and has lost weight and said she feels better and feels lighter.

  We got to talking about her progress, her program, her fasting, her eating and all of that good stuff and she said something that I often hear from people going through my program.

  She said she can definitely see this as a way of life for her (a.k.a. a lifestyle).

  That is music to my ears!

  She talked about her friends and how a lot of them are taking Ozempic and other weight loss drugs.

  She commented how she didn't think that was a great move because nobody really knows the long term effects of those drugs yet. I agreed.

  She also said that those women on the drugs are still not eating healthy. They still eat junk food, but just eat less of it. And that the drugs are just like a band-aid and really not getting to the root cause of their weight gain. I agreed again.

  I told her that the weight loss drugs just suppress your appetite. They also come with many negative side effects and a very hefty price tag (as much as $800/month).

  What I teach and what my client is doing is something very simple called fasting.

  Guess what fating supresses your appetite!

  Guess what fasting does not do? Cost $800/month or give you any negative side effects.

  In fact, the side effects are actually quite awesome; more energy, better mental clarity, less bloating and inflammation, etc.

  So Friend, would you thinkof Ozempic and the other weight loss drugs as a way of life?

  I hope not.

  Sticking yourself with a needle to lose weight?

  Seems kind of crazy to me.

  Imagine recommending that to someone 50 years ago?

  They would think you were nuts!

  But I think people are so desperate to lose weight that they will do anything.

  What drives me mad though is that weight loss doesn't have to be that way.


  It SHOULDN'T be that way.

  Weight loss requires NOTHING.

  No extracurricular activities, no needles, no pills, no exercise (yes, that's true!), etc.

  Go back and read those last 2 sentences and think about them for a second.

  They are 100% true.

  What does help with weight loss is guidance, support, motivation, direction, etc.

  But those things just help. They are not going to make you lose weight by themselves.

  And the other thing you have to have is the attitude that you are definitely going to lose weight.

  Not the attitude that you'd "like to lose weight". Not the attitude that "it would be nice to lose weight", etc.

  If you have that attitude, but you're just lacking direction, support, guidance...I can help you with that.

  I'm taking on 3 more private clients at my current price.

  After this, my prices are going up.

  Reply back to this email if you're interested and I'll give you the details onhow it works. It's quite simple


P.S. Michelle went through my program and couldn't believe how she felt and looked after. Look at what she had to say:
“I was turned on to the Built To Fast program by a friend who lost 45 pounds. Some people look drawn after that much weight loss, but she looked healthy and vibrant. I lost 17 pounds in 8 weeks (which included birthday & anniversary celebrations and a 10 day beach vacation). I’d like to lose 13 more pounds and I feel confident that I can do it following this program. The workouts are concise and age appropriate! In addition to the weight loss, I’ve gained muscle, I feel stronger, I have more energy, and I no longer suffer from terrible heartburn. I know that Built To Fast is a change of lifestyle that I can stick with indefinitely.”


                                                                                 Michelle O’Brien

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