Hey Friend,
If you're trying to lose weight, there's a good chance you might be a little insane. Let me explain...
I often hear people say to me, “I’ve been trying to
lose weight but I haven’t been successful.
It’s not usually stated that politely, there’s usually
some expletives thrown in there. But I’ll
keep this clean since I’m also kid friendly 🙂
I then ask them what they’re doing and inevitably
they tell me that they are working out and eating healthy.
To that I always say, that’s great, but you have to change
“But what do you mean, I’m working out and eating well!”
“Right, but obviously something you are doing is not right
because you are not losing weight”.
How many people do we see at the gym time and time again
who look the same as they did 2, 4, 6, 12 months ago.
It’s rare that you see someone who is very overweight,
and then after a few months they have lost a considerable
amount of weight that you can notice?
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results.
So in my opinion, many of those people are insane.
I’ll use myself as an example.
Here’s the short version.
Last year after leaning down to the lowest weight I had been in awhile, I decided I wanted to add a few pounds of muscle (not fat). So after the summer my weight went from 151 to 161, but it wasn’t mostly muscle as I was hoping it would have been. Needless to say I was disappointed. (But I think I know the issue. I think I might have added too much fat in the form of peanut butter!) :)
So, being that I wasn’t happy with these results, I immediately
re-directed myself and went into fat loss mode again. My 161
had gone back down to 154. And then getting as low as 146. And was able to see my abs again 🙂
After I getting down to 151 and eventually 146, I held that steady for the summer and then I've slowly staryed around 146-150 since then. I’ll keep things right around here for the next few weeks and then i'll start to SLOWLY add some muscle over the next few months during the summer.
The point here is that what I did when I went from 151 to 161 wasn’t working for me.
So I changed my plan.
If I had stuck with it, and continued getting the same results,
that would have been insane.
What about you? Are you getting the results you want?
If not, are you changing your course of action?
I hope so.
But if you’re not and you need some help, I’d love to help you out. Just reply back to this email and let me know.
There’s enough 'insane' people in this world as is.
Don’t add to that list!