Hey Friend,
As you know, I've been promoting my BUILT TO FAST weight loss program the last week or so.
And I had an interesting conversation with someone about it yesterday. They were asking me a lot of questions about how it worked, what to expect, was it easy/difficult (very easy of course! :), how much weight could they expect to lose, etc.
I gave this person truthful answers and all of the answers you would think they wanted to hear.
They haven't signed up yet.
And that's totally fine. Not every single person signs up for my program. If that was the case I'd be a gazillionaire and I might not be writing this email to you.
I used to get upset when someone didn't sign up with me. It would bother me. "What did I do wrong?" What didn't I say that maybe I should have?" What did I say that maybe I shouldn't have?".
But then it dawned on me...it's not me. It's them.
THEY'RE not ready to make the change. THEY'RE not ready to change their lifestyle. THEY DON'T WANT IT BADLY ENOUGH.
That might be a shot to the heart for some people.
That might sting.
"What do you mean I don't want it badly enough, "Do you know what I would do to lose 15 pounds?"
My answer to that is, "No, I don't."
Or better put....Show me, don't tell me.
I always know when someone is going to lose weight. For 2 reasons. #1, they sign up for my program. :) Or during a conversation, they tell me what they are going to do. In other words, they have a plan.
I know my plan is top notch and THE best plan on the planet because it combines weight loss with health and it gives you a lifelong tool that you can use the rest of your life for your health and to keep you lean YEAR ROUND.
So, the bottom line and the takeaway from this email is this.
You'll lose weight when you want to badly enough.
And if that happens to be right now. If it's really right now. If you've gotten to the point where you can't take it anymore and trying to fit into summer clothes has you very worried and upset, then I'm your guy.
I've put over 700 people through my program with incredible results.
The one thing they all had in common was that they were READY. Really ready to lose weight and change their life.
I've got 2 more spots if you're ready Friend.
Message me back and let's get you the details and get you signed up to get started.
Kevin |