Subject: Friend, 48 hours without food? WHAT?!?!

Hey Friend,

  Ok, here's the situation. My parent's went away on a week's vacation and....

  Just kidding, that's a Fresh Prince rap song from the 90's.

  I digress.

  Ok, so I fasted from Sunday night dinner until dinner last night. I wasn't planning on doing 48 hours, but one thing led to another and I did.

  It's funny how that works actually.

  Once you get to a certain point, you don't even really think about food. And if you're engrossed in something like a project at work or cleaning the house or out with friends, etc. it doesn't even cross your mind.

  I think that's one of the biggest misconceptions and fears about fasting. That people think they are going to be hungry all the time. That is far from the case.

  The other misconception or fear is that you'll never eat again.

  And another fear is that you're going to eat everything that's not nailed down when you end your fast.

  Again, not true at all.

  The truth of the matter with all of these fears is that:

  #1. Most of the time, you are not hungry and you are not constantly thinking about food.

  #2. You'll spend a lot more time eating than you don't eat when you incorporate fasting into your life.

  #3. When you end your fast, you eat pretty close to you normally would if you hadn't fasted. In fact, you might even eat less than normal because you get full much faster, because your stomach was empty for a while.

  I did 48 hours and I've done 48 hours many times before. I've also done 100 hours (that's my longest).

  And on my Built To Fast program I have had people do well over 100 hours.

 In fact, I had 3 separate people do 168 hours. For those of you doing the math, yes, that's a full week, 7 days, of not eating.

  And guess what, that's not part of the program at all. BUT, those people felt incredible and wanted to keep that feeling going! Talk about not thinking about food!

  One person said they had never done drugs in their life, but they imagined that's what doing drugs must feel like. They said they were full of energy, super focused and in a state of content and happiness. How's that for feedback?!?!

  And all of this goes without even talking about the health benefits that I've talked about so manytimes before; less bloating, lowering blood pressure, more focus, better memory, possibly reducing cancer risk and alzheimer's risk and dementia risk, etc.

  I'm sharing all of this with you Friend, because these are facts. None of this is my opinion.

  And that's the reason I put together my program. To share all of this with people like you. People who care about how they look and feel.

  And I'm going to be opening the doors again for 3 more people to jump in and get started with my program next Monday.

  I have a 3 pay option so you can spread payments out over 2 months or a pay in full option that will save you some money.

  Reply back to this email if you want the details and to snag one of the 3 spots.


P.S. Look at what Laura had to say...
“I highly recommend this program for anyone that needs to change their weight loss routine. Tired of counting calories? Or tracking points? Don’t want to miss out on all of your favorite treats, but yet still lose weight? Try it, you won’t be disappointed. Down 20.8 lbs. in 8 weeks and I’ve never had that much success with any other program.” 

-Laura Kibala 

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