Subject: US Embassy S. Africa warns of frequent power outages

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SMS Alert Text:

US Embassy S. Africa warns citizens to prep for frequent power outages and direct impact on safety, water, food, fuel, and ATM availability. More via email.

Supplemental Info:

The embassy warning message below carries a direct, diplomatic tone and minimizes the severity of the crisis.

Most of South Africa’s power grid is operated by state-owned Eskom, the largest producer of electricity on the continent. Years of under-investment in generation and transmission infrastructure have forced Eskom to impose periods of load-shedding — planned rolling blackouts based on a rotating schedule — since 2007.

Recent years have seen substation breakdowns, cost overruns, widespread theft of coal and diesel, industrial sabotage, multiple corruption scandals, and a multi- billion dollar government bail-out.

And the problems only continue to worsen.

On Feb 13, 2023, AlertsUSA subscribers were informed of a similar warning message from the embassy issued following a state-of-disaster declaration by the government of South Africa.


JULY 18, 2023

Message for U.S. Citizens: Sustained Power Outages – South Africa

Event:  The safety of U.S. citizens overseas remains the top priority of the U.S. Department of State. However, our ability to help can be limited during a crisis. It is important to know what the Department can and can’t do for you during a crisis and ensure that you practice good personal preparedness.

U.S. citizens in South Africa should be prepared for frequent power outages – also known locally as “loadshedding,” a term which refers to controlled rolling blackouts. Loadshedding is employed to reduce consumer stress on the country’s electrical grid at times when supply is unable to meet demand. These power outages are generally pre-planned, localized, and may last several hours at a time. Many areas experience multiple power outages per day. This can impact safety, water availability, cell phone service, fuel pumps (and therefore fuel availability at service stations), residential security features, traffic lights and street lighting, ATM availability, and the food supply.

While a nationwide blackout remains unlikely, the U.S. Government urges U.S. citizens in South Africa to practice good crisis preparation planning.

Personal Preparedness Tips:

  • Have a communications plan if there is no or limited power (land line locations, external cell phone battery, additional charging cords, hard copy of important numbers, etc.).

  • Ensure you have necessary medicine, personal hygiene supplies, and eyeglasses.

  • Maintain 7 days’ worth of supplies of non-perishable food, 3 liters of drinking water per person per day, medicines and first aid supplies.

  • Store flashlights, batteries, and basic tools in a safe location where all family members have easy access.

  • ATM machines may not function, consider keeping sufficient cash in a safe location in your home or hotel.

  • During a crisis, you or your family members can always contact the U.S. State Department at +1-888-407-4747 or by clicking here.

The latest information about traveling to South Africa can be on our South Africa International Travel Information page.

If internet and cell phone services are temporarily out of service on a large scale, the U.S. Embassy will attempt to provide information via commercial radio, so be sure to have a radio with sufficient batteries or the ability to charge without electricity.


  • United States Embassy to the Republic of South Africa
    877 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria
    Tel: 012-431-4000 (outside South Africa: +27-12-431-4000)
    U.S. Embassy – South Africa
    Facebook: U.S. Embassy – South Africa

  • United States Consulate General, Johannesburg
    (Covering Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, North West, and Free State provinces)
    1 Sandton Drive
    Sandhurst, Johannesburg
    Tel: 011-290-3000 (outside South Africa: +27-11-290-3000)
    After-hours emergencies: 079-111-1684 (outside South Africa: +27-79-111-1684)
    U.S. Consulate Johannesburg

  • United States Consulate General, Durban
    (Covering KwaZulu-Natal Province)
    Delta Towers, 31st floor
    303 Dr. Pixley KaSeme Street
    Tel: 031-305-7600 (outside South Africa +27-31-305-7600)
    After-hours emergencies: 079-111-1445 (outside South Africa +27-79-111-1445)
    U.S. Consulate Durban

  • United States Consulate General, Cape Town
    (Covering Western Cape, Eastern Cape, and Northern Cape provinces)
    2 Reddam Avenue
    Tokai, Cape Town
    Tel: 021-702-7300 (outside South Africa: +27 21-702-7300)
    After-hours emergencies: 079-111-0391 (outside South Africa: +27-79-111-0391)
    U.S. Consulate Cape Town
    Facebook: U.S. Consulate Cape Town

View the Original:

⚠️ Emergencies Abroad:

If you are a U.S. citizen with an emergency situation, call the U.S. Embassy or Consulate nearest you. Someone will respond to your call 24 hours a day. View the official list. You can also call the numbers below:

U.S. Department of State - Bureau of Consular Affairs

24 Hour Consular Emergency Line

From the U.S. & Canada - 1-888-407-4747

From Overseas - +1 202-501-4444

If you are trying to locate a loved one in a crisis abroad, call the numbers above and see this list of action items.

Join the State Department's Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive important information from the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate about the safety conditions in your destination country, helping you make informed decisions about your travel plans.

Registering your trip can also help the U.S. Embassy contact you in an emergency, whether natural disaster, civil unrest, or family emergency.

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