Subject: POTUS EO authorizes federal depts to repel, repatriate & remove illegal aliens

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POTUS signs EO authorizing multiple federal depts to take all necessary action to repel, repatriate & remove illegal aliens across the US/MX border. See email.

Supplemental Info:

The full text of the actual Executive Order has not yet been posted to the White House website.


President Donald J. Trump Protects the States and the American People by Closing the Border to Illegals via Proclamation

January 22, 2025

GUARANTEEING THE STATES PROTECTION AGAINST INVASION: Today, President Trump signed an Executive Order that suspends the physical entry of aliens engaged in an invasion of the United States through the southern border.

  • In joining the Union, the States agreed to surrender much of their sovereignty in exchange for the federal government’s promise in Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, to “protect each of [the States] against Invasion.”

  • States, such as the Great State of Texas, have asked the Federal Government for protection against invasion during the Biden Administration, but it failed to protect them from millions of illegal aliens entering the United States, invading their communities, and imposing billions of dollars of costs upon State and local governments.

  • The President has the authority under the Immigration and Nationality Act, as well as inherent authority under Article II of the Constitution, to prevent the physical entry of illegal aliens into the United States across the southern border.


  • Through the exercise of his authority under the Immigration and Nationality Act and the Constitution of the United States, President Trump is authorizing and directing the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, and the Department of State to take all necessary action to immediately repel, repatriate, and remove illegal aliens across the southern border of the United States.

  • Through the exercise of his authority, President Trump has further restricted access to the provisions of the immigration laws that would enable any illegal alien involved in an invasion across the southern border of the United States to remain in the United States, such as asylum.

PROMISES KEPT: In 2024, President Trump promised to “seal the border on Day 1.”

  • As President Trump described in 2018: “Illegal immigration affects the lives of all Americans. Illegal immigration hurts American workers; burdens American taxpayers; and undermines public safety; and places enormous strain on local schools, hospitals, and communities in general, taking precious resources away from the poorest Americans who need them most. Illegal immigration costs our country billions and billions of dollars each year…And I will therefore take every lawful action at my disposal to address this crisis. And that’s what we’re doing.”

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