Subject: Netherlands terror arrests

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Netherlands Public Prosecutor Srvc announces takedown of 7 man terror cell of ME origin planning twin attacks with explosives and firearms. See email for more.

Supplemental Info:

Counter-terror operations were carried out a short time ago in the cities of Arnhem and Weert.

Seven men of Middle East origin ranging in age from 21 to 34 years were arrested.

Several of the suspects had previously been convicted of "attempting to travel to Islamic State battlefields."

The Netherlands Public Prosecutor Service indicates the arrests were carried out after a "months long investigation" revealing the suspects wanted to "strike at two locations at the same time: both an attack with bombs and Kalashnikov AK47s at an event, and as a car bomb they wanted to detonate."

Subscribers are reminded of the alert we issued on 9/25 regarding a warning issued by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office regarding an increased risk of terror attacks in the Netherlands. 

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