Subject: FBI issues advisory urging public vigilance

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FBI issues advisory in the wake of events in Iraq urging the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to law enforcement. More via email.

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AlertsUSA received this advisory via InfraGard. No public online version was available at the time this alert was issued. While the emphasis of InfraGard is critical Infrastructure protection, the guidance is applicable to all.

FBI Iran Advisory

The FBI's Office of Private Sector is aware of the developing situation in Iraq and the region. The 31 December 2019 Iran-backed terrorist attacks on the US Embassy in Baghdad Iraq and the subsequent 3 January 2020 US drone strike against Iranian general Qassem Suleimani have heightened security tensions in the region.

While there is no specific and credible threat to this area, the FBI takes all threats seriously. The public should remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to law enforcement. As always, we will work with our intelligence and law enforcement partners to gather, share, and act upon threat information. OPS will continue to monitor these fluid and escalating events and disseminate further updates and/or products as the situation develops.

The FBI is always on guard for potential threats to our community and are working with our law enforcement and private sector partners. As always, we urge the public to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to law enforcement.

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