Subject: AlertsUSA - Labor Day Global Threat Roundup

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Global Threat Roundup (4 min read)

As an AlertsUSA subscriber, you already know the coming 12-24 months will be a dangerous and pivotal time period for the homeland, with threats emanating both from abroad, as well as within. Here is a roundup for your consideration going into the long holiday weekend:

  • Tensions are high on NATO’s Eastern flank. Ukraine is now attacking deep inside Russia, including drone strikes on key air and naval bases, Moscow, and even the Kremlin itself. Russia has stationed nuclear weapons in Belarus after Finland joined NATO. Poland and the Baltic states have surged military forces to their borders with Belarus due to provocations and incursions. Russia has mined shipping lanes in the Black Sea and is threatening commercial vessels. The U.S now has more than 100,000 troops in Europe. During recent Senate hearings on worldwide threats, intelligence officials warned that there was a "significant" risk of "escalation into a broader conflict between Russia and the West."

  • A great-power war appears inevitable in the Western Pacific. China is increasingly aggressive across much of the Indo-Pacific region, using its growing military to bully neighbors, threaten shipping lanes, and destabilize territory along its periphery. The Pentagon has labeled China its “pacing challenge.” The FBI refers to China as the greatest threat to U.S. national security. China’s President Xi is pushing his military to prepare for war to bring Taiwan under its control. The U.S. Marines and Army are emphasizing island warfare training. The military buildup across the Indo-Pacific, to include more than one dozen new U.S. bases, speaks to a dangerous future in the region.

  • N. Korea has expanded their nuclear and missile programs. It is believed they may soon demonstrate a miniaturized nuclear warhead (necessary for delivery by smaller platforms), as well as multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) capability. N. Korea is supplying weapons and ammunition to Russia for the Ukraine conflict. Russia is believed to have transferred ICBM capability to N. Korea (the Topol-L and Hwasong-18 missiles are nearly identical).

  • Iran continues to advance their nuclear and missile programs. The U.S. has moved an amphibious response group, thousands of Marines, and fighter jets to the Persian Gulf region ostensibly to protect shipping lanes in response to Iran’s recent attempted seizure of two commercial vessels.

  • Multiple EU nations warn of an increasing Islamic terror threat. Britain’s MI-5 warns an attack is likely. Al Qaeda is openly calling for attacks in Denmark and Sweden following a series of public Quran burnings.

  • The State Dept is warning terrorist organizations continue to plan attacks against U.S. citizens and interests globally, to include suicide operations, assassinations, kidnappings, hijackings, and bombings.

Here at home, the threat environment is becoming much more dangerous and in-your-face:

  • The Biden Administration’s end of Title 42 expulsions has opened the border floodgates, with migrants from more than 120 countries entering by the thousands each day. A large percentage are military-aged males with no ID (they actually throw it away before entering). Many arrive with communicable diseases, including tuberculosis, hepatitis, chicken pox, schistosomiasis, and others. In 2022, ~75% of tuberculosis cases nationwide were in foreign-born individuals.

  • Dozens of men on the Terror Watch List have been arrested along the US/MX border. This week CNN reported the FBI is scrambling after a smuggler with ties to ISIS helped move migrants from Central Asia across the southern border. The USGOV has also issued warnings as a result of numerous recent al Qaeda threats to the homeland. As holders of Afghanistan passports can travel without visas to two countries in this hemisphere (Haiti and Dominica), this threat is very real.

  • Mass shootings are now a regular occurrence at malls, fairs, bars, and other gathering places both in urban settings and rural.

  • Churches, synagogues, and schools are now regularly targeted.

  • A dramatic rise in violent black-on-white assaults and overall general lawlessness and criminal behavior in cities across the U.S..

  • A HIGH potential for political violence with the approach of the next presidential election, along with attempts to drive chaos with the upcoming trials for former president Donald Trump. If you thought heads were exploding during the 2016 election riots, strap in...

With just the items listed above, we think you would agree near-term outlook for the nation is deeply troubling. We invite you to take advantage of this sale to extend your threat awareness edge.

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