Subject: Al Qaeda linked magazine encourages infiltrating protests for attacks

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Al Qaeda linked media group releases new issue of 'Wolves of Manhattan' magazine. Urges followers to infiltrate US & EU protests to conduct attacks. See email.

Supplemental Info:

This is the 2nd issue of the publication by the "Al Malahem Cyber Army."

The 1st issue in November 2020 urged jihadists in the West to exploit conditions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, such as using masks to hide your identity while conducting attacks.

Below we provide  two pages from the current issue discussing infiltration of protests, along with the Arabic to English translations.

Note they specifically encourage attacking law enforcement.
English Translation:


The topic of plan (b) revolves around targeting police officers who confront the demonstrations, and this plan has many advantages, the most important of which is that you are not alone, but you have an army of protesting crusaders if you know how to exploit them. The third advantage is that you can bring weapons (Molotov cocktail or a knife) with you because of the chaos, and we, God willing, will explain to you ways to make use of the advantages and how to work on the police from within the demonstration.

How to use the advantages:

1- Benefiting from the demonstrators and harnessing them by working with you, and this matter needs patience, as you do not have to carry out your blessed operation from the first demonstration, but rather you must go out with the demonstrators in more than one incident in order to gain some confidence with the demonstrators, and as we mentioned earlier during your participation in the demonstration, you have to show that you are a staunch supporter of the demands of the audience.

2- The second advantage is that you are in great chaos and everyone is against the law. If you were captured, God forbid, your punishment will differ from the punishment of someone who went to kill alone without any chaos or problems.

3- The third advantage is the ease of transporting weapons since you are one of the demonstrators, as many demonstrators carry knives and Molotov cocktails, and this matter will be of great benefit to you if someone sees the weapons in your possession while you go to the demonstration or inside it, since you are one of the demonstrators, and many of the demonstrators carry such weapons.

How to target police officers at the appropriate time:

The targeting of police officers has a basic rule, which is the study of time, that is, an estimate of whether the time and the situation now is appropriate to target the police officer. The appropriate time is when you see a verbal quarrel between an element and demonstrators, especially if the police officer is the one who attacks, and then this is your appropriate opportunity to respond. We recommend that you rely on the Molotov cocktail as your main weapon in the demonstrations, as it is more effective than the bladed weapons, and you can return to the first issue of Manhattan's Wolves magazine, in which we explained how to manufacture a Molotov cocktail that is more deadly than the usual bombs.

So come, "Manhattan wolves" everywhere, go to protests and demonstrations to carry out your operations, invade for the sake of God and remember that an unbeliever never meets the one who killed him in the hell, and here these demonstrations have come to you on a plate of gold. Don't waste this precious opportunity, and remember that by your operations you are avenging your family in Palestine, Burma and Kashmir, and everywhere.

English Translation:

Harness the demonstrations in draining the funds of The Crusaders

My Muslim brother, if you are unable to take advantage of these demonstrations to shed the blood of the crusaders, then you have to be able to use it to drain their money, and there are many ways for this, including:

- Exploiting demonstrations to break down and sabotage public facilities

My monotheist brother, the depletion of the funds of the Crusader governments has a great impact on weakening them, even if it is far-reaching, and that demonstrations, chaos and crowd anger can be used to target government buildings, parks, banks, etc.

- Exploiting demonstrations to break down and sabotage private facilities

If it was difficult for you to reach the public facilities of the crusaders, then there is nothing easier than targeting the crusaders' private facilities. On your way during the demonstration destroy all the cars, shops and kiosks that you see in front of you, and remember that the nation of the cross is common with their government in the war against Islam.

Trust in God, oh soldier of Islam, and do not fade away.

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