Subject: Al Qaeda celebrates 9/11, issues new threats

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Al Qaeda rel updated English translation of Dec 2019 "One Ummah" mag celebrating 9/11 attacks. Includes editorial threatening Charlie Hebdo & France. See email.

Supplemental Info:

This issue of One Ummah (One Community) magazine is an English translation of a much longer Arabic version released in December 2019. The issue is released by As-Sahab, the official media wing of Al-Qaida's core leadership.

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Charlie Hebdo

Charlie Hebdo (French for Charlie Weekly) is a satirical newspaper that features cartoons, reports, polemics and jokes. The publication is strongly secularist and publishes articles that mock Catholicism, Judaism, Islam and various other groups. The magazine frequently published illustrations, cartoons and nude caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, whose depiction is forbidden in most interpretations of Islam.

In 2006, Islamic organizations under French hate speech laws tried unsuccessfully to sue the newspaper. In 2011, the newspaper's office was firebombed. In 2013, al-Qaeda added multiple members of the staff to its most wanted list.

On 7 January 2015, two brothers, Said and Cherif Kouachi, forced their way into the offices of the newspaper in Paris. Armed with rifles and other weapons, they killed 12 people and injured 11 others. The gunmen identified themselves as belonging to al-Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) which formally claimed responsibility for the attack. Several related attacks followed in the Île-de-France region on 7–9 January 2015, including the Hypercacher kosher supermarket siege where a terrorist held 19 hostages, four of whom were killed.

Fast forward to the present: Trials began last week for 14 individuals involved in the 2015 attack. Charlie Hebdo marked the start of the trial by reprinting the controversial cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. This action has led to Al Qaeda issuing new threats against the publication and France.

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