Subject: Al Qaeda affiliate blames President Trump for Nairobi attack

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Al Qaeda affiliate Al-Shabaab issues stmt calling Nairobi attack a response to Trump's "witless remarks" recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital. See email.

Supplemental Info:

The statement below was release by Al-Qaeda affiliate al Shabaab a short time ago and is now in wide circulation on social media. 

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'Al-Quds (Jerusalem) will never be Judaized'

10 Jumadul Awal 1440H (16 January 2019) - On Tuesday 15 January 2019, corresponding to 09 Jumadul Awal 1440H, Mujahideen fighters from 'Saleh An-Nabban Battalion' stormed the Riverside Drive business complex, in Naibori's Westlands neighborhood, killing more than 50 disbelievers, including American and other western nationals.

The business complex is home to dozens of Western companies as well as a hotel, restaurants and bars catering to the large community of expatriates working and living in Nairobi

The Mujahideen carried out this operation - codenamed Operation 'Al Qudsi Lan Tuhawwad (Jerusalem will never be Judaized)' - in accordance with the guidelines of Sheikh Adh-Dhawahiri (may Allah protect him) in targeting western and Zionist interests worldwide and in support of our Muslim families in Palestine, for we are Muslims bound by faith and brotherhood of Islam.

It is a response to the witless remarks of US President, Donald Trump, and his declaration of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) as the capital of Israel. In an attempt to confer legitimacy upon the illegitimate Zionist regime, Trump and his cohorts granted the Zionist Jews the approval to desecrate the sanctity of one of Islam's holiest sites with their filth and vile policies of ethnic cleansing, without considering the suffering of the millions of Muslims languishing under the throes of Zionist occupation for decades.

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Note: A name referenced in the statement, Sheikh Adh-Dhawahiri, refers to al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.

On May 14, 2018, a 5-min video of al-Zawahiri was released within which be blasted the U.S. decision to move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, saying President Trump "was clear and explicit, and he revealed the true face of the modern Crusade, where standing down and appeasement does not work with them, but only resistance through the call and jihad."

Within the video, al-Zawahiri called on Muslims to wage war against the United States throughout the world.

On September 11, 2018, a 30-min speech by al-Zawahiri was released within which he portrayed the United States as a religious enemy of Muslims and used movement of the embassy as evidence of that enmity.

Within the same speech, al-Zawahiri again called on Muslims to wage war against the United States.

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