Subject: 🔴 AlertsUSA Summer 2024 Global Threat Roundup


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Dear AlertsUSA Subscriber,

The threat landscape facing the US and our interests abroad is one of the most complex and dangerous in the nation's history. From the real prospect of a high-intensity conventional war spreading beyond Ukraine to a wider regional war in the Middle East, to an increasingly aggressive China and the likelihood of war over Taiwan, to the growing threat of Islamic terrorism, to deep social and political division, the next couple years will be troubling. You can taste it in the air. Something big is coming.

As we move into summer with all of its welcome distractions, here are some important points from the global threat picture to keep on your radar:

Tensions are high on NATO’s eastern flank. Russia is advancing on the battlefield, and Ukraine is struggling with the latest counteroffensive. Several NATO members propose sending ground forces if Russia moves on any larger cities. Russia has again threatened the use of nuclear weapons, most recently after several nations approved Ukraine's use of precision western missiles to strike the Russian homeland. China, North Korea, and Iran are supplying Russia with armaments and other materials (nitrocellulose, manufacturing equipment, etc.) in support of the war machine.


Multiple European nations warn of an increasing Islamic terror threat. The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, France, and Germany have increased their internal defense posture as a result. Britain’s MI5 warns “an attack is likely.” An Islamist attack on a concert hall outside Moscow in April killed 130 and injured 500. The Islamic State claimed responsibility and threatened more strikes in Europe. France is on its highest alert for attacks during the upcoming 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. Authorities have already foiled three plots targeting the games.

The Israel-Hamas war is having global repercussions. At least 33 Americans have died in the conflict, and six are believed to be among the remaining hostages. Houthi attacks on commercial and military ships in the Red Sea have resulted in US/UK air strikes in Yemen. The Houthis are now working with the dangerous Yemen branch of Al-Qaeda (AQAP) on several fronts, including prisoner swaps and weapon deliveries. Increasingly violent anti-Israel, pro-Palestine protests occur daily in cities around the globe. US military support for Israel has resulted in a dramatic rise in jihadist threats.

Iran launched a massive missile and drone attack on Israel that was repelled. Weeks later, a mysterious helicopter crash killed Iran's president and foreign minister. Per the IAEA, Iran now holds a significant quantity of highly enriched uranium and is capable of producing several nuclear bombs in only a matter of weeks. Israel and Iran-backed Hezbollah are exchanging blows, and war in Lebanon is a very likely outcome. Iran also remains the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism.

A great-power war appears inevitable in the Western Pacific. China is increasingly aggressive across the Indo-Pacific region, using its growing military to bully neighbors, threaten shipping lanes, and destabilize territory along its periphery. China has angrily promised increasing military action until "complete reunification" is achieved. The multi-nation military buildup across the region includes more than one dozen new US bases.

North Korea has expanded its nuclear and missile programs and regularly threatens their use against the US, South Korea, and Japan. Russia is believed to have transferred ICBM capability to North Korea (the Topol-L and Hwasong-18 missiles are nearly identical). Iran contributed to the development of North Korea's 80-ton rocket booster used to launch their first satellite.

A new 'Worldwide Caution' from the State Department warns of the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations, or violent actions against US citizens and interests globally. The statement also emphasizes threats to Pride Month (June) events.

And that is just overseas. Here at home, the threats are even more directly impactful to you:

Al Qaeda is calling on all faithful Muslims to carry out strikes on Jews and Americans in retaliation for events in Gaza.

The Islamic State is calling for followers to carry out attacks on Christians and Jews in the US, Europe, and Israel. ISIS-K is also threatening attacks on the T20 international cricket tournament being held throughout June in the US and West Indies.

DHS and the FBI warn that the terrorist threat against the homeland is high and that "critical infrastructure will likely continue to be targeted over the next year."

DHS warns that the 2024 election will be a "key event for possible violence."

Anti-Israel, pro-Palestine protests are growing increasingly violent. Antisemitism is becoming widespread at colleges and universities, and threats against synagogues and the broader Jewish community are rising.

Disastrous immigration and enforcement policies have resulted in millions of aliens from more than 120 countries entering the country in just the last three years. Many are military-aged males with no accompanying family. Illegal alien crime is on the rise, including rape, child molestation, drug trafficking, and murder.

CBP reports that hundreds of individuals in the Terrorist Screening Dataset (the “watchlist”) have been encountered along the border just since 2022. The FBI and DNI have warned Congress of the existence of an ISIS-affiliated migrant network operating on the US/MX border.

Mass shootings are now a regular occurrence at malls, fairs, bars, and other gathering places, in both urban and rural settings.

Churches, synagogues, and schools are now regularly targeted across the US.

With all of the different threat vectors, one of your most important ongoing preparedness considerations should be accurate intel. Fast and factual, from a reliable source, targeted specifically at your safety and security. AlertsUSA can solve this problem.

At AlertsUSA, we are singularly focused on monitoring world events, filtering the noise and hype, and keeping our subscribers instantly informed of those threatening developments of national significance. In most instances, you are among the first to learn when really bad things happen. And we have been doing it for over two decades, serving all levels of government, military, first responders, corporations, and a slew of average Americans trying to stay informed of mounting real-world threats.

If there is an attack on a school, church, or synagogue in your area, don't you want to know immediately? When warnings are issued regarding an increased threat to an airport or carrier, don't you want to know about it, particularly if you or a family member are travelers?

If there are terrorist threats or attacks on a sporting event or concert venue in your city, don't you want to know about it NOW? Right Now? What about a nuclear emergency or major earthquake near the city where your mother resides. Don't you want to know about it fast? Perhaps like a text message on your phone as an incident or development is unfolding?

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