Special school relocation and coeducation provision approved Northumberland County Council’s Cabinet have approved officer recommendations to proceed with the proposals to re-locate and provide co-educational provision at Atkinson House Special School. Following publication of the Council’s statutory proposal on 13 January 2022 Cabinet have agreed that the school can increase its numbers from 80 to 100 pupils, changing from a single sex school to co-educational from September 2022.
Approval was also given for the school to relocate from its current site in Seghill, Northumberland to a new site at the former Richard Coates site in Ponteland, Northumberland conditionally upon the granting of planning permission.
Formal consultation took place for four-weeks from 13 January allowing anyone with an interest in this project to feedback and have their say.
Cath McEvoy-Carr, Executive Director for children’s services, said: “It is extremely important that we provide the best support for our young people who have social, emotional and mental health needs.
By relocating and widening the provision available through Atkinson House Special School we can do just that.
Every child and young person should have the same opportunities and access to education, in an environment in which they can learn and thrive.
More girls and boys will now benefit from that opportunity from September through this new provision.”