Subject: Her hidden pleasure switch [Cindy’s breasts in your face]

Her hidden pleasure switch [Cindy’s breasts in your face]

May 19th, 2021 at 7:25 pm EEST

Hey, it’s Adrian Gee. Quick story... It was 8pm when Cindy turned up at Alistair’s front door. Jenny was wearing a tight, revealing top and had a glass of wine in hand… and a suggestive smile on her face. Here’s what’s weird. Until th ...

Never ask for nudes (do this instead)

May 18th, 2021 at 7:21 pm EEST

Hey man, Ever tried to sext a girl and got painfully rejected? Maybe you asked for nudes and got blocked? Or worse… you sent her dick pics. Yikes. The problem with sexting is guys have no idea how to start things off… So they usually ask fo ...

Harvard's advice for getting laid

May 17th, 2021 at 7:17 pm EEST

Hey man, How would you like to have a smoking hot girl wake you up with a blowjob tomorrow? Without going to bars or clubs… Without ever approaching a girl or taking her on a date… And without risking any humiliation or rejection. Well, than ...

Here’s how to bang her before you meet

May 5th, 2021 at 6:44 pm EEST

You’ve been lied to all your life. Magazines, movies, and romantic novels all make us view sex as some type of prize. Something we need to work up to. I bet you’ve thought that yourself too, right? - Ask her out- Take her to dinner- Pay for d ...