Subject: Why she chose THAT guy over you

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Hey man,

I know how it feels:

You had so much in common.

You had all the qualities she SAID she wanted:

You were a great listener.

You were always there for her when she needed you. 

You gave her the attention her last boyfriend didn’t.

So why didn’t she choose you?

Why did she go out with, sleep with, and end up pining over a guy who has none of the things she says she’s looking for?

==> Here’s how to make sure she chooses you next time

It’s frustrating as hell.

But the harsh truth is…

She wasn’t lying when she said she wanted a guy who was a great listener, who gave her tons of attention, and who made her feel safe and secure…

But what even SHE doesn’t realize…

Is that her “wishlist” goes out the window when she meets a guy who TURNS HER ON…

==> Learn how to turn her on here

When a girl meets a guy who gets her tingling between her legs…

Who makes her chest heave and her cheeks flush…

Something else takes over.

Her primal urges literally hijack her rational mind… 

So ‘SHE’ is no longer in the driver’s seat…

And all she cares about…

Is getting that man inside her.

Men who understand this… Focus on TURNING HER ON, rather than showing her what a great guy they are.

If you want to be one of them…

==> This video shows you how it’s done:

In it, you’ll hear the story of Clayton…

How he learned to use words to get women wet and wanting him without even touching them…

And how any man can do the same if they know what to say.

==> Go watch it now while it’s still available


Your Bro,

-Adrian Gee.

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